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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2071-0054


VAZQUEZ-PENA, Arelys et al. Proposal of Industrial Technological Process for the Production of Cuban Silage Feed (CSF). Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.2 ISSN 2071-0054.

The present work was carried out with the objective of making a technological proposal to obtain a CSF at an industrial scale. Alternative food that is achieved by silage agricultural products (cassava, sweet potato, banana, yams) suitable or not for human consumption, in a mixture of honey B, Saccharomyces yeast cream and distillery vinasse. The technology to produce on a large scale has areas of weighing, receiving and sampling raw materials, storage, transportation and milling, mixing, silage, dispatch, laboratory and socio-administrative. Agroindustry is equipped with scale (up to 30 t), unloading ramp (60 m long), five horizontal tanks (33 m3), conveyor belt (21 m long), mills of blades and hammers (10 t / h) , vertical mixer (15.75 m3), nine silos (40 m3) that transform the mixture of raw materials and pumps with a flow rate of 32 m³ / h, 98.7 m³ / h, 63.5 m³ / h and 140 m³ / h, that guarantee transfer of molasses, recirculation of vinasse and cream, and pumping of the mixture and the CSF. Eleven existing agroindustries in Cuba of the same technology obtain an innocuous food, with savings by import substitution of corn higher than 7 million of USD in 5 years and reduction of more than 12,000 tons of CO2 to the environment.

Palabras clave : technological process; animal feed; waste; impact.

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