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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2955
ORTIZ BOSCH, Maikel José; IZAGUIRRE REMON, Rafael y ALEJANDRE JIMENEZ, Susel Noemí. Contextualizing humanist education in history teachers' training from a social and cultural perspective. trf [online]. 2018, vol.14, n.1, pp. 21-32. ISSN 2077-2955.
ABSTRACT The paper is aimed to contextualizing humanist education in history teachers' training from a social and cultural perspective to favors the graduates' humanist performance. A dialectical-materialistic focus was given to the scientific methods, among them analysis and criticism of sources -integrating logical thinking procedures such as induction-deduction, analysis-synthesis and moving from abstract to the concrete perception one-, the hermeneutic-dialectical and the systemic-structural-functional approaches, as well as modeling triangulation of sources, methods and theories. Modeling is structured according to the relationships that exist between the processes structuring the humanist identity content of education, to foster a comprehensive contextual as the main finding of the research.
Palabras clave : humanism; sociocultural patterns; social environment; social education.