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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2955


MORALES VALDIVIESO, Montelio G.. Web Directory: Uses and Potentials for Schools Connected to the Internet. trf [online]. 2020, vol.16, n.1, pp. 168-175.  Epub 01-Ene-2020. ISSN 2077-2955.


Information and communication technologies are quite common in daily life. Their potentials are becoming a learning tool. This article aims at assessing the use of informational services of the Ministry of Education in a sample of professors and students of Najasa municipality.


Different methods were used. The statistical analysis served to assess what are the most frequently visited web sites and how they serve the purpose of researching and recreation. Analysis - synthesis was used in the theoretical framework construction.


The main finding is the creation of a web directory the Municipal Education Office and the outlining of users’ tendency in using the internet.


The use of new technologies, including the use of web applications such as the directory, promotes larger and efficient use of telematic services that the Ministry of Education provides. The directory offers a users’ guide for searching the internet, favoring in better use, and process efficiency.

Palabras clave : ICTs; information processing; information dissemination; record keeping.

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