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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


JAMALOV, Kamal. Role of great wrıter Jalıl Mammadguluzade and “Molla Nasraddın” Journal the hıstory of Azerbaıjanı lıterature. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2020, vol.12, n.5, pp. 354-358.  Epub 02-Oct-2020. ISSN 2218-3620.

According to the educative principle of training, Mammadguluzadeh offered to include practical subjects in the curriculum so that they could improve children's scientific outlook and noble moral qualities. The article discusses the legacy of the great writer, playwright Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, his theoretical view about the school, teacher, and education issues. Asserting that the teaching must be honest, honorable, sacred, responsible, he encouraged teachers to have high ideals, principles, noble moral qualities, comprehensive knowledge, to work on themselves regularly, to increase their knowledge, to be aware of scientific achievements and to instill knowledge to the younger generation. According to Mirza Jalil, a teacher should not limit his work with school, but should also work among the public, disseminate his work for the enlightenment of the people, and the target should be to serve the people with dignity. According to the educative principle of training, Mammadguluzadeh offered to include practical subjects in the curriculum so that they could improve children's scientific outlook and noble moral qualities.

Palabras clave : Playwright; nobleness of teacher; training and education; comprehensive knowledge; the enlightenment of the young generation.

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