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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


BAQUE VILLANUEVA, Lisenia Karina; ALVAREZ GOMEZ, Lyzbeth Kruscthalia; IZQUIERDO MORAN, Aída Margarita  y  VITERI INTRIAGO, Danilo Augusto. Generation of added value through digital marketing in Msmes. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.5, pp. 407-415.  Epub 02-Oct-2021. ISSN 2218-3620.

Currently, Mipymes present great challenges with the accelerated technological transformation caused by the Covid -19 pandemic. Entrepreneurs need to strengthen their knowledge regarding the application of digital marketing tools to face competitiveness and productivity; For this reason, this research had the primary objective of designing a methodological structure of digital marketing tools that enable the generation of added value to the products and services of Mipymes in the Quevedo canton. The applied methodology was qualitative-quantitative, inductive, and deductive methods, and bibliographic, the survey was used as a method of collecting information. The development of this research contributed to the development of digital marketing tools for 50 Mipymes in the Quevedo canton.

Palabras clave : Mipymes; value added; digital marketing.

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