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Centro Azúcar

versión On-line ISSN 2223-4861


RODRIGUEZ GREGORICH, Alicia; BENITEZ CORTES, Isnel; PEREZ DE CORCHO, Yulema Yero  y  BARRIOS RODRIGUEZ, Misel. Estimate of the investment cost of a plant to produce natural yogourt. cen. az. [online]. 2017, vol.44, n.4, pp. 21-32. ISSN 2223-4861.

This project has been conducted at the Dairy Products Company of Ciego de Avila, with the purpose of estimating the investment necessary for a new line for the production of yogurt, based on an alternative that contributes to reduce heat losses, energy consumption and risks to the safety and health of the job. The new technological flow proposed, based on a new microlocalization, is viable and projects favorable criteria of effectiveness, economic efficiency of the investment and distribution in plant. The new distribution of the production line implies a technological investment that amounts to 118 349.5 pesos. The economic indicators of the inversion’s efficiency, estimated for a 10-year scenario and less favorable prices of products, are competitive, reporting a net present value of $ 36 019.05, a positive amount, and an internal rate of return of  10.09%, higher than the interest rate of the National Bank of Cuba.

Palabras clave : feasibility; investment; milky; yogurt.

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