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Centro Azúcar

versão On-line ISSN 2223-4861


GALLARDO AGUILAR, Irenia et al. Improvement of the malting process of sorghum udg-110 in the preparation of drinks for celiac sick. cen. az. [online]. 2018, vol.45, n.2, pp. 46-58. ISSN 2223-4861.

In this paper the process of improving the malting of sorghum UDG-110 is studied in the manufacture of beverages for celiac patients with adding chemicals in order to improve the malt diastatic power. The study was extended to the analysis of variables that most influence have in it, as the addition of a chemical reagent and the soaking time in levels of 0.1 and 0.4% w/w of 12 and 36 h respectively, keeping fixed the germination time in 72 h in a first study and continue delimiting the variables in a second and third analysis to determine the best conditions in the process of malting grain. In the last analysis, the variables were NaOH concentration in low levels of 0.01 to 0.05% w/w and soaking time at 12 and 36 hours, keeping fixed the germination time but in 54 h. Factorial design experiments central composite rotary 2k with central points was applied determining the moisture percent that was achieved in the soaking, germination percent, extract content, losses of malting and diastatic power as responses variables. The results indicate that the addition of a chemical agent in the soaking improves the malting process of the sorghum UDG-110, but at concentrations of 0.03% within the ranges utilized through the study of 0.01-0.5%, soaking time of 24 h and germination time of 60 h.

Palavras-chave : beverage; germination; malting; sorghum; variables.

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