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Centro Azúcar

versão On-line ISSN 2223-4861


ARBONA CABRERA, Mercedes; CABRERA ESTRADA, Isabel  e  ROSA DOMINGUEZ, Elena R.. Proposal of cleaner production measures for the dyeing process in the textile "Desembarco del Granma". cen. az. [online]. 2018, vol.45, n.2, pp. 76-87. ISSN 2223-4861.

The present work was developed in the dyeing section of the Basic Unit "Desembarco del Granma". The aim of this research was to propose actions of cleaner productions in the dyeing of polyester-cotton fabric. The Life Cycle Assessment methodology and the SimaPro V.8.0 software were applied. The impact on the environment of chemicals and other used resources was quantified. In applying the ReCiPe method, it was determined that, in the category of damages, the resources were the most impacted, where fossil fuel consumption and water have a primordial role. Color matching processes were performed using color matching equipment. The recipes obtained when sodium carbonate was added to the disperse dyes were more easily equated than those that did not have this chemical present at the time of equalizing the dispersion. Performing dyeing on an industrial scale with the optimized recipes saved $ 224.85; which is equivalent to spending 9713.52 $/year. To reduce the environmental impact of the burning of fossil fuel, the ADI3TEK additive was proposed. It could be saved 117.51 $/year if deteriorated insulation is replaced. The implementation of the ReCiPe method allowed to corroborate the benefits obtained by applying the optimized recipes for the dyeing of polyester-cotton fabric in a bath.

Palavras-chave : Life cycle assessment; cleaner productions; polyester-cotton dyeing.

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