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Revista de Producción Animal
versão On-line ISSN 2224-7920
PEREDA MOUSO, Jorge J et al. Classification of Dairy Farms According to Dimensions of Production Intensification Based on a New Management Model. Rev. prod. anim. [online]. 2017, vol.29, n.2, pp. 50-56. ISSN 2224-7920.
This study took place between 2011 and 2015 in order to classify dairy farms according to the scope of production intensification based on a new management model. The study lasted five years, and comprised 90 local farms in Jimaguayú-Camagüey, which included a sample of 450 cases. The information was collected through interviews to farmers in their working places. Production intensification indicators were chosen for classification. Principal Component Analysis was used, which resulted in three new dimensions, named areas, diversity and supplies. Finally, the sample was classified by k means clustering conglomerate analysis, depending on every dimension and production intensification. Regarding the areas, the mid and mid-high categories were observed to prevail. The opposite was observed in diversification and supplies, where the two former engulfed most cases, with low and mid values for their indicators.
Palavras-chave : classification; production areas; diversification; supplies; new management model.