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Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas
versão On-line ISSN 2227-1899
SOSA-ESCALONA, Yuliet; PENA CASADEVALLS, Manuel e SANTIESTEBAN-TOCA, Cosme E.. System for early warning of the effects of climate change on agriculture. Rev cuba cienc informat [online]. 2017, vol.11, n.3, pp. 64-76. ISSN 2227-1899.
ABSTRACT Geographic Information Systems are designed for geolocation purpose. Precision agriculture is one of its main applications, both in the land characteristics representation and in the state of the crops. However, in many cases the spatial data obtained are not used to predict the impacts of climate change on agricultural crops. This analysis is of great interest to both the agricultural and scientific communities. In this article we present AgroAlert, a tool for predicting the climate change effects on agriculture. It provides early warnings over drought on specific crop land with three to six months in advance. AgroAlert is the responsible of the organization, storage, manipulation, analysis and modeling of agroclimatic conditions. Likewise, AgroAlert provides the possibility to stablish different criteria under which these zones are identified and to carry out the analysis and prediction of the risks.
Palavras-chave : Geographic information systems; early warning system; prediction tool; climate change; precision agriculture.