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Retos de la Dirección

versión On-line ISSN 2306-9155


GALVEZ FERNANDEZ, Anisabel Regla; BORRAS ATIENZAR, Francisco  y  ABADIA LUGO, José Ramón. Indicators of Intellectual Capital Management for Cuban Commercial Banking. Rev retos [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.1, pp. 310-336.  Epub 05-Ene-2020. ISSN 2306-9155.


To establish indicators of intellectual capital management in the framework of Cuban commercial banking.


The methodology of logical approach, consisting in the definition of moments and steps, guaranteed the design of indicators to measure management of intellectual capital in that sector. Besides, mathematical and statistical methods were applied, along with experimental empirical methods, expert criteria, and content analysis.

Main results:

To provide the Cuban banking sector with a system of indicators customized to the current development trends, in keeping with international practice.


From the total number of 58 indicators (30 quantitative and 28 qualitative), 55 were finally selected. Although the intellectual capital tends to mix (due to its basically intangible character) with human capital, the structural capital component comprised most indicators. This study corroborated the banking trend toward quality and diversification of deep processes and banking products, fostered through innovation of excellence.

Palabras clave : intellectual capital; indicators; commercial banking; trends..

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