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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud

versión On-line ISSN 2307-2113


MOYARES NORCHALES, Yenieris  y  INFANTE ABREU, Marta Beatriz. Distinctive features of technological surveillance systems in the Cuban and international contexts. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [online]. 2016, vol.27, n.3, pp. 361-374. ISSN 2307-2113.

Proposal of technological surveillance systems is a field of knowledge in permanent evolution, both in Cuba and internationally. The purpose of the present study is todeeply analyze the features distinguishing technological surveillance systems with a view to informing organizations in charge of designing such systems about the aspects they should bear in mind. A total 21 technological surveillance systems were identified. The following features were used for their description: institution they belong to, technological surveillance diagnosis, technological surveillance processes, technological surveillance standard or model, system roles, products / services, dissemination of technological surveillance results, technological surveillance management platforms, and system performance evaluation. Document analysis was performed to identify and analyze the various information sources as well as to examine the theoretical aspects and distinctive features of the technological surveillance systems under study. According to the main results obtained, the elements present in the structure of this type of system are the following: stages in the technological surveillance process, purpose of the technological surveillance system, sources of information used, role definition, information products / services, and platforms for technological surveillance systems management. Most of the experiences examined base their definition of technological surveillance system on surveillance standards AFNOR XP X 50-053-FRE and UNE 166006: 2006 Ex.

Palabras clave : technological surveillance systems; technological surveillance; Cuba; international context.

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