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vol.31 número2La otra cara de la información: la desinformación y la información imprecisa como retos para la gestión de la información institucional índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud

versión On-line ISSN 2307-2113


ESPINOZA-PORTILLA, Elizabeth  y  MAZUELOS-CARDOZA, Cesar. Health-related misinformation in social networks. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [online]. 2020, vol.31, n.2  Epub 01-Jun-2020. ISSN 2307-2113.

Wrong information in social networks may have adverse effects on public health. Therefore, an imperative need for public health nowadays is to timely identify and mitigate (when advisable) wrong health-related information in the social networks. The paper describes health-related misinformation and its consequences, highlights select research lines about health-related misinformation, and discusses the need for collaborative, multi-agency and interdisciplinary work to face health-related misinformation.

Palabras clave : Social networks; health-related misinformation; health literacy; professional training; Peru.

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