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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud
versión On-line ISSN 2307-2113
DURANGO BARRERA, María Camila; TORRES SILVA, Ever Augusto; FLOREZ-ARANGO, José Fernando y OROZGO-DUQUE, Andrés. Characterization of a corpus extracted from maternal electronic health records through natural language processing techniques. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [online]. 2021, vol.32, n.4 Epub 01-Feb-2022. ISSN 2307-2113.
The purpose of this article was to characterize the free text available in an electronic health record of an institution, directed at the care of patients in pregnancy. More than being a data repository, the electronic health record (HCE) has become a clinical decision support system (CDSS). However, due to the high volume of information, as some of the key information in EHR is in free text form, using the full potential that EHR information offers to improve clinical decision-making requires the support of methods of text mining and natural language processing (PLN). Particularly in the area of gynecology and obstetrics, the implementation of PLN methods could help speed up the identification of factors associated with maternal risk. Despite this, in the literature there are no papers that integrate PLN techniques in EHR associated with maternal follow-up in Spanish. Taking into account this knowledge gap, in this work a corpus was generated and characterized from the EHRs of a gynecology and obstetrics service characterized by treating high-risk maternal patients. PLN and text mining methods were implemented on the data, obtaining 659 789 tokens and a dictionary with unique words given by 7 334 tokens. The characterization of the data was developed from the identification of the most frequent words and n-grams and a vector representation of embedding words in a 300-dimensional space was performed using a CBOW (Continuous Bag of Words) neural network architecture. The embedding of words allowed to verify by means of Clustering algorithms, that the words associated to the same group can come to represent associations referring to types of patients, or group similar words, including words written with spelling errors. The corpus generated and the results found lay the foundations for future work in the detection of entities (symptoms, signs, diagnoses, treatments), correction of spelling errors and semantic relationships between words to generate summaries of medical records or assist the follow-up of mothers through the automated review of the electronic health record.
Palabras clave : Natural language processing; electronic health record; machine learning; word embedding; artificial neural networks..