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Cooperativismo y Desarrollo

versión On-line ISSN 2310-340X


MIRANDA IZQUIERDO, Raúl; MAINEGRA FERNANDEZ, Débora  y  MIRANDA IZQUIERDO, Jesús. Family pig production: training experiences from the Municipal University Center. Coodes [online]. 2020, vol.8, n.2, pp. 329-348.  Epub 20-Ago-2020. ISSN 2310-340X.

The production of food for the Cuban family is a matter of national security according to what Army General Raul Castro Ruz has stated, and therefore it must be addressed by all institutions, including the University. However, there are still difficulties with the training of independent producers from the University. Hence, this study aims to design a system of training workshops for pig producers of the Minas de Matahambre Popular Council, developed by the Municipal University Center, which was made from the identification of the difficulties for the management of the pig mass by these producers. To develop it, methods of the theoretical level were used (historical-logical, content analysis, analytical-synthetic, generalization), of the empirical level (survey, interview and observation) and techniques of the descriptive statistics, that allowed to verify empirically the lack of knowledge relative to this activity in the referred producers and to propose a System of Workshops for their training.

Palabras clave : training; pig producers; productive sector.

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