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vol.8 número20Las “(contra)señas” del usuario: influencia de los comentarios de los usuarios en la construcción de la agenda mediática del sitio web Cristóbal en pantalla propia. Implementación del Modelo de Televisión Local para el desarrollo territorial en San Cristóbal, Artemisa. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2411-9970


DRAKE TAPIA, Beatriz. Local television and cultural development in the Cuban municipal context. ARCIC [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.20, pp. 40-51.  Epub 01-Jun-2019. ISSN 2411-9970.

This article focuses on the relationships between community cultural development management and local television management in the Cuban municipal space, as well as the main lessons learned, certainties, opportunities and challenges that arise from the case study presented. For this purpose, we arrive at a proposal of empirical-conceptual dimensions to analyze the relationship between the defined categories; the functioning of cultural policy and cultural development in the Cuban municipal space is explained; The local television model in Cuba is characterized as part of the territorial television system in the country and the articulations / fragmentations that are derived from the interactions / divorces of the actors that shape the relationship to be analyzed are valued.

Palabras clave : local television; cultural development; communication; culture; local space.

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