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vol.8 número20Televisión local y desarrollo cultural en el contexto municipal cubanoEstudio sobre la relación entre la agenda mediática del semanario Adelante y agenda política en la provincia de Camagüey en el período de febrero-abril de 2018. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2411-9970


VALDES RAMOS, Yemmi; DIEZ MINIET, Javier  y  HERRERA BARREDA, Dagmar. San Cristobal on own screen. Implementation of the Local Television Model for territorial development in San Cristóbal, Artemisa. ARCIC [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.20, pp. 52-63.  Epub 01-Jun-2019. ISSN 2411-9970.

This research aimed to generate participatory local development in the San Cristóbal municipality of Artemisa province, based on the implementation of the Local Television Model for Territorial Development proposed by Dr. Dagmar Herrera Barreda (2015). From a tour of the main theoretical-conceptual and methodological references, of the characteristics of local television in the new scenarios of digital connection and journalistic convergence and based on a local diagnosis that determined the potential of the correspondent San Cristóbal TV to influence the development of the locality, the study is carried out from the qualitative methodological perspective. As a fundamental method, Research-Action-Participation is used and, to collect, order data and information and obtain critical learning of the route, bibliographic-documentary research, interview, survey, participant observation, focus groups and triangulation The above from the conceptual referents of Popular Education and the methodological proposal of Systematization of Experiences by Óscar Jara. The result contributes to an interdisciplinary dialogue between the knowledge spaces of Communication for Development and Audiovisual Communication.

Palabras clave : Participatory local development; Local Television Communicative Model; Communication for Development.

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