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vol.8 número20San Cristóbal en pantalla propia. Implementación del Modelo de Televisión Local para el desarrollo territorial en San Cristóbal, Artemisa.Las semantizaciones de un país. Análisis del discurso periodístico hipermedial de dos medios de comunicación hispanos en Estados Unidos: El Diario NY y Diario Las Américas, sobre el tema Cuba. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2411-9970


CUTINO LOPEZ, Elianis María. Study on the relationship between the media agenda of the Adelante weekly and political agenda in the province of Camagüey in the period of February-April 2018. ARCIC [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.20, pp. 64-80.  Epub 01-Jun-2019. ISSN 2411-9970.

This research aims to characterize the relationship between the media agenda of the weekly Adelante and the political agenda in the province of Camagüey in the period February-April 2018. In addition, it is proposed to identify the contingent conditions that influence and structure this relationship, as they constitute factors determinants in the transfer of objects, events and attributes from one agenda to the other.

This diploma work is the second in the country that deals exclusively with the relationship of the media agenda and political agenda and is carried out from a mixed methodological perspective, determined by the use of quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques such as content analysis both quantitative and qualitative to determine the agendas, the in-depth interview and the participant observation, for the determination of the contingent conditions and the work with the correlation coefficient Rho de Spearman for the calculation of said relationship.

Palabras clave : political agenda; media agenda; contingent conditions; relationship between agendas; Agenda Setting.

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