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vol.8 número20Las semantizaciones de un país. Análisis del discurso periodístico hipermedial de dos medios de comunicación hispanos en Estados Unidos: El Diario NY y Diario Las Américas, sobre el tema Cuba.Anatomía del Fotoperiodismo Cubano índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2411-9970


RAMON SANCHEZ, María del Carmen. Data journalism in Cuba, between opportunity and challenge. ARCIC [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.20, pp. 93-103.  Epub 01-Jun-2019. ISSN 2411-9970.

Data Journalism today represents an opportunity, but at the same time a challenge, for contemporary media. Its possibilities in representing data, as well as in communicating clearer messages to users, have stimulated its expansion in a scenario where open data and open government initiatives have multiplied, and in which various free programs facilitate the processing and visualization of large volumes of data.

In Cuba, although the high professional level of journalists, programmers and designers allows the recognition of the importance of this discipline and that individual projects have appeared that promote its use outside of traditional publications, even the development of Data Journalism is minimum, which is evident in the almost null presence of this discipline in the main media of the country, as well as in academic research, since there are very few undergraduate and graduate studies on the subject. This article aims to explore the current state of this phenomenon still incipient in Cuba, from the analysis of the insertion of this discipline in the daily work of Granma and Cubadebate.

Palabras clave : data journalism; information visualization; media.

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