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versión On-line ISSN 2411-9970
MONTERO ESTEVA, Amelie; SALADRIGAS MEDINA, Hilda; CASTILLO DIAZ, Ana y DUARTE SOTOLONGO, Liliana. Intagibles for the academy. Theoretical Approaches. ARCIC [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.20, pp. 118-129. Epub 01-Jun-2019. ISSN 2411-9970.
The academy is a system that generates Innovation-development-research (I + D + I). On this depends promoting a beneficial social impact as the main element for the growth of any society. This article attempts to address details of the emergence, development and evolution of the academy as a training center, with the purpose of promoting and enhancing its importance, in these times of permanent evaluation, in search of educational quality. The academy, in addition to lasting over time, has a competitive advantage, generating value, as the main indicator among intangible resources. That is why, the main objective of this research is to make the academy visible, to know its real possibilities and its benefits in the era of digitalization.
Palabras clave : Academy; intangible resources; evaluation; visibility.