| Table of contents Rev Ciencias Médicas vol.18 no.1 Pinar del Río Jan.-Feb. 2014 EDITORIAL | | | | · Committed to the people and the Cuban Revolution Orraca Castillo, Miladys
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Incidence and tendency of cervical-uterine lesions in Pinar del Río 10-to-14-year-old women, 2003-2012 Sanabria Negrín, José Guillermo; Salgueiro Medina, Victor Enrique; Abreu Mérida, Magalys Brígida; Lemus Sarracino, Agustín; Marrero Fernández, Raydel
| | | | · Evaluation of Rabies National Program, Pinar del Río Province (2010) Cruz Rodríguez, Elba
| | | | · Influence of hypertension caused by pregnancy in delivery and by the newborn Balestena Sánchez, Jorge Manuel; Barrios Eriza, Martha M; Balestena Justiniani, Adixa
| | | | · Assessment of the level of knowledge of young adolescents about sexuality Hernández Machín, Lidia Esther; Martínez Malo Gutiérrez, Nora Helena; Cruz Hernández, Yarisleidi; Cabrera Sánchez, Yamisleydis; Míreles Hernández, Olga Maria
| | | | · Joint hypermobility syndrome, a clinical-epidemiological approach in Minas de Matahambre González García, Raúl; Oliva López, Yinet
| | | | · Prevalence and prognosis of leprosy in Pinar del Rio Moreira Rios, Isabel; Rivera Moreira, Ailadis; Ochoa, Clara Ileana; Pérez Moreno, Neptaly; Iglesia Romero, Dariel Eladio
| | | | · Program of detection of innate errors of metabolism, Minas de Matahambre 2008-2012 Oliva López, Yinet; González García, Raúl
| | | | · Potential blood donors in a community doctor´s office Ochoa Ortega, Max Ramiro; Rodríguez Sardiñas, Lázara Maidelis; Aldao Aragón, Milvia de la Caridad; León Machado, Odalis María; Mosquera Escobar, Mariela
| | | | · Screening of eye affections in kindergarten children. Intervention strategy Boffill Corrales, Acela María; Rodríguez Ramos, Jorge Félix; Arada Rodríguez, Amaelis; Sixto Fuentes, Sahelys; Jalilo Hernández, Sandra
| | | ARTÍCULOS DE ACTUALIDAD EN LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES, HUMANIDADES Y PEDAGÓGICAS | | | | · The values formation process in the Informatics lesson Milián Martínez, Hiliana; Olivera Valdés, Ayme; Izquierdo Castillo, Oscar Candelario; Romero Díaz, Yaumara; Mosquera Barrios, Marilyn
| | | | · Professional values education at Simon Bolivar Health Technology School Gómez Báez, Leonel; Díaz Martínez, Sergio Benito; Barrios Morejón, Camilo; Morejón Hernández, Esther Lidia; Padrón Echevarría, Alina
| | | | · A strategy to train the professors teaching in Health Technology Studies Esquijarosa Chirino, Rolando; Prieto Medina, Ana Aleida; Cejas Arias, Maria Rosa; Dominguez Prieto, Magaly; Palacio Salgado, Yaimara
| | | | · Management of endoscopic surgery for the Nursing staff Baños Sánchez, Darelys; Prat Ribet, Isandra; García Martínez, Aimara; González Miranda, Anabel; Cangas García, Sergio Risel
| | | | · Nursing teachers training for the elaboration of written boards Llamazares Milians, Ana Mayte; Cordero Miranda, Yoslaidy; Guerra Cabrera, Emérida; Medina Hernández, Lourdes; Fajardo Horta, Osmín
| | | PRESENTACIÓN DE CASOS | | | | · Congenital Hypothyroidism and Intraluminal non-Fenestrated Diaphragm. Rare association Súarez García, Nuvia; Izquierdo Meralla, Adelina; Licourt Otero, Deysi; Hernández Gómez, José; Fernández Álvarez, Daimí
| | | | · Shoulder dystocia and diaphragmatic hernia Izquierdo Meralla, Adelina; Suárez García, Nuvia; Piloña Ruiz, Sergio Germán; Rivera Oliva, Liliana; Breto Rodríguez, Ana Gloria
| | | | · Intracardial tumor in the newborn Sarmiento Portal, Yanett; León Vara Cuesta, Omar; Mailin Gutiérrez, Yordis; Crespo Campos, Angelicia; Portal Miranda, Maria Elena
| | | OBITUARIO | | | | · Professor GERARDO ORTEGA RODRIGUEZ Pérez Labrador, Joaquín Hilario
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