ISSN 2304-0106 |
Spreading the results of the best scientific research done in Cuba regardless of the field of science. Contributing to the development of regional and world science by means of papers duly evaluated and approved by experts and accomplishing a high visibility and ranking of the papers published. Website of
the journal: Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba is a peer-reviewed, open-access, multidisciplinary scientific journal (CC BY-NC). It is the official journal of the Cuban Academy of Sciences for scientific communication. It publishes full texts, with abstracts in Spanish and English, every four months. It includes sections devoted to agricultural and fishing sciences, biomedical sciences, technical sciences, natural and exact sciences, as well as social sciences and humanities. No fees are charged for processing the articles (APC). Aim: Being the yardstick journal for the best scientific research in Cuba, regardless of the field of science. Frequency: every four months. The official language for submitting papers is Spanish. However, Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba invites Spanish-speaking authors to publish English translations of their papers; likewise, it invites English-speaking authors to submit their papers in Spanish. Manuscripts
must be submitted through the online manuscript management system Open
Journal System ( |
It is included in DOAJ (, in Latindex Directorate (, in Catalogue 2.0 of Latindex (, and in the Cuban Network of Sciences among the journals certified by CITMA ( |
The Cuban Society of Health Management |
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La Habana Vieja, Cuba
CP 10100
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