ISSN 2304-0106 |
Manuscript preparation
General standards Papers can be included in preprint servers, but they cannot be published in other journals or books. Neither can they be translations of papers already published. Papers must be submitted in files of word processors: Word or another free software word processor (pdf is not admitted), with the text in only one column. If there are equations, they must be presented with the equation tool of the word processor, not as images. The font is Arial 12 and the line spacing is 1.5; the following standards must also be observed: 1. Type of paper. All papers, without exception, must include the type of article as their first heading. It must be one among those published by Anales, that is, original research article, short communication, review article, presentation of a clinical case and letter to the director. 2. Title of paper:
3. Authors. The full names of all authors will be written out, without specifying main and other authors and excluding collaborators. If there are collaborators, they must be included in an Acknowledgments section. For each author, the following must be specified:
Authors can have more than one institutional affiliation; members of the Cuban Academy of Sciences must mention this affiliation. 4. Corresponding author. The corresponding author must be specified. It could up to two of them. 5. Authorship contribution. In the case of original research articles, when there are two or more authors, it is a must to declare the degree to which each author contributed; to do so, CRediT taxonomy will be used. The authorship roles will be identified in the following order; each author's name (names and last names separated by commas) must be placed next to the corresponding role, leaving blanks next to the roles that do not apply:
The Editorial Board of the journal is entitled to assess the validity of authorship based on the characteristics of the paper submitted, which will be communicated to authors during the evaluation process. 6. Declaration of conflicts of interests. There exists a conflict of interests when authors (or their institutions), reviewers or editors maintain personal or financial relationships or when there is academic rivalry among them, which can interfere or influence judgment on the preparation, evaluation or publication of a manuscript. Authors can always declare whether or not there exists a conflict of interests as regards the paper submitted. 7. Clinical trials. Clinical trials must include the registry number obtained from a registry of clinical trials, which must be verifiable, hence the need to mention the source. Besides, they must adjust to the evaluation standards contained in the international guide CONSORT ( 8. Declaration of funding. In the original research articles, authors must declare the funding source, whether there was one or not. 9. Acknowledgments. If any, they would refer to people or institutions (collaborators) that have collaborated on yielding the results presented. 10. Illustrations
and tables. Tables, diagrams and graphics must be presented in an
editable format (not as images). Photographs must have a minimum resolution
of 300 dpi, in jpeg or tiff. They will be included in the text, in the manuscript of the paper. 11. Citation.
Papers cannot contain excerpts from other papers previously published
or being processed for publication in journals or other formats without
due citation. Specific guidelines according to the type of paper Editorials. Papers requested by the Editorial Board. They convey ideas on a subject or current scientific matter, which could be related or not to the contents of the issue in which they are published. They cannot exceed 1500 words. They can include bibliographical references. Letters to the director. They are letters with opinions, messages and comments made by readers on papers published by the journal or a nationally or internationally relevant topic. When referring to a paper published in the journal, its title must be indicated, as well as the volume and number in which it was published. They must meet the ethical principles of scientific publication. They cannot exceed 1500 words, including the bibliographical references. They can not have more than three authors. They can include just one illustration (figure or table). Articles not meeting these requirements will be rejected immediately. Original research articles. They are papers communicating research results, either experimental or not. Consequently, they must meet the standard format of a scientific report: Introduction (with the objectives at the end), Methods, Results and Discussion (IMR&D), regardless of the field of science. The methodology described must allow for the reproduction of the research by other experts. There must be a critical evaluation of the results in the Discussion. They include a structured abstract (explicitly labeled with subtitles: Objectives-Methods-Results-Conclusions) and 4 or 5 key words. They cannot exceed 250 words. Articles can contain up to 5 illustrations, including figures and tables. They cannot exceed 4000 words regardless of the field of science, not counting the bibliographical references. Articles not meeting these requirements will be rejected immediately. Review articles. This type of article gathers the most relevant information on a specific topic, from a certain perspective. It analyzes, discusses and ponders upon ongoing research or that already published; it offers updates and prospects. Not being necessarily the result of research, its structure is the standard one of any text: Introduction, Development, and Conclusions. The Development is organized according to topics, having subtitles reflecting the contents. That includes the criteria used to select the consulted sources, the search engines, and the period covered by the review, etc. That first subsection can be called Methods or any other name chosen by the author. It is submitted with an informative summary (not structured) of about 150 words. It includes recommendations at the end, if any, besides the bibliographical references. It cannot exceed 6000 words, regardless of the field of science, not counting the bibliographical references. It can include up to 5 illustrations both figures and tables. Articles not meeting these requirements will be rejected immediately. Short communications. They are brief reports containing preliminary results of relevance, urgency and interest. They have a structure similar to that of original research articles. Although that structure can vary according to the kind of information, texts must have the following basic organization: Introduction (objectives)-Development (with the methods at the beginning)-Conclusions. Consequently, summaries reflecting that structural organization must be added. They cannot exceed 250 words. In total, the text cannot exceed 2500 words, including the bibliographical references. There can be up to 3 illustrations both figures and tables. Articles not meeting these requirements will be rejected immediately. Submission of clinical trials. They are typical of biomedical sciences. They are articles documenting one or several cases that are of interest because of one of the following reasons: they have not been described before, they are infrequent or difficult to diagnose, they involve the identification of an unusual clinical form, or novel diagnostic means or therapeutic procedures are used. They cannot exceed 2500 words, not counting the bibliographical references. They must include an abstract not exceeding 150 words, structured with sections: Introduction-Objective of presenting the case-Presentation of the case-Conclusions besides 4 or 5 key words. Only up to 3 illustrations are accepted in the body the papers. Articles not meeting these requirements will be rejected immediately. Footnotes,
citation, and bibliographical references False text false text false text false text false text false text false text false text false text false text false text false text. (1,2) The list of bibliographical references is placed at the end of the paper, numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text. SUBSCRIPTION This journal
offers no subscription. It is open access and its texts are available
on this site. |
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