ISSN 2307-2113
online version



Scope and editorial policy

The object of study of the journal Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud is "information sciences and their relationships to health"; therefore, all papers dealing with that subject are considered.
The papers submitted undergo an evaluation process based on double-blind peer review, in which neither the reviewer nor the author are provided with any information revealing their identity. Upon completion of the evaluation period, the author is informed of the decision made by the editorial committee.
The author must communicate any conflict of interests with the content submitted. Otherwise, he/she will be responsible for the consequences arising from such non-compliance. The journal is not liable for the data provided by authors, who will be responsible for the accuracy of the information presented.
The author should hand over a letter of commitment stating that the article has not been submitted to any other publication. In the event that the journal publishes a paper previously submitted to another journal (duplicate publication), the editorial committee reserves the right to take the measures corresponding to the case.
The author has the legitimate right to be informed about the situation of his/her paper at all times.
In the event of any infringement of the editorial policy of the journal, the editorial committee reserves the right to take the measures corresponding to the case.


Manuscript layout and preparation

Original and review papers are prioritized over other types of materials. These should be structured in the following manner: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. Each of these headings will be highlighted in the body of the paper. In general, papers should not exceed 30 pages.
These papers should be accompanied by an abstract written in an impersonal style, containing the objectives of the research, the materials and methods used, and a brief description of the main results and conclusions. Abstracts may be either unstructured or structured. Unstructured abstracts should not exceed 150 words, whereas structured abstracts may contain up to 250 words. Three to ten key words or phrases will be added to facilitate indexing of the paper.
The introduction will define both the topic dealt with in the paper and its background. The objectives of the study will also be stated, as well as the justification of the research. Data and conclusions from the paper will not be included.
The section devoted to methods will describe the materials used, inclusion and exclusion criteria for the entities studied, the composition and essential characteristics of the samples analyzed, as well as the procedures and statistical techniques (sampling type, tests, etc.) used for quality control, always under the basic principle that a specialist with a background similar to that of the author should be able to reproduce the study without using any information apart from that provided by the author about how the study was conducted and the original data used. In the case of well known methods, reference will be provided to papers where they are thoroughly described. If they are less well known, a brief description should be included. When unknown methods are used, besides providing thorough information about them, the reasons, advantages and disadvantages of their use will be expounded. The software used for data processing should be specified.
The results will be presented in a logical sequence, and will include only the relevant statistics and graphs necessary to present the most important information in accordance with the objectives of the paper. The information contained in tables and figures will not be repeated in the text. Figures will be an alternative to tables; data should not be duplicated in tables and figures. The use of either should reflect their capacity to facilitate understanding of the information and the economy of the journal. Claiming of intellectual priority of the contents presented should be avoided, as well as any reference to incomplete research.
The section devoted to discussion will deal with findings obtained by the study. Conclusions will be expounded in accordance with the objectives of the research. Reference will be made to the significance of the results, as well as their limitations in relation to similar research. The contents described in the introduction and the results will not be repeated. Unjustifiable conclusions or extrapolations of the data used will be avoided.
Bibliographic references will follow the recommendations of the Vancouver style, and will be listed at the end in the same order as they appear in the text.


Manuscript submission

Manuscripts should be submitted through the webpage

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La Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud se encuentra bajo una
Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-Compartir Igual 3.0 Unported.

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