ISSN 1815-5898
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Scope and policy

Arquitectura y Urbanismo is a refereed journal published quarterly in electronic format by the Faculty of Architecture of the “Instituto Superior Politécnico Jose Antonio Echeverria”, Havana, Cuba.

Certified as a scientific- technical journal by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Architecture and Urbanism publishes papers on the different scales of urban and architectural design, as well as their relationships with industrial and graphic design and the visual arts. The journal devotes particular attention to the results of research related to the problems of habitat, recovery of built heritage and the built environment in developing countries. He is also interested in issues relating to training in the field of architecture and urbanism.

The magazine is funded by contributions from teachers and researchers from the Schools of Architecture of Havana, Las Villas, Camaguey and Santiago de Cuba, but usually receives professional work of other prestigious institutions both Cuban and foreign.

The magazine is aimed primarily at researchers, teachers and students as well as professionals of architecture, urbanism and related branches of design and the arts, in the fields of design, planning and execution of works and as research and teaching.

The main sections of the magazine are:

  • With Criteria: Presents original results of scientific work within the profile of architecture and urbanism and its relations with other related branches of design and visual arts.
  • The Kingdom of This World: Includes reflections, essays, interviews, project descriptions, reviews and reports on various issues of professional interest.
  • Academic: presents assessments of curricula, teaching experiences and theoretical aspects related to the teaching of architecture, urban planning and other design.

The process of publishing articles in the magazine Architecture and Urbanism includes several levels of review. The quality assurance of this process rests heavily on the work of the reviewers or referees, who are responsible for reading materials submitted by publishers and emit their critical comments and recommendations.

Items received are initially evaluated by the editorial board to ensure compliance with the minimum requirements. The preliminary acceptance criteria are:

  • Works must be original and have not been published in any other medium.
  • Must correspond to the themes of the magazine.
  • Should be highlighted for its originality, novelty and validity.
  • The content must have the quality required in this type of scientific publications.
  •  The document must be structured properly, leaving expressed the following components: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and references.
  •  The facts should be exposed with quality, rigor and good writing.
  •  The reference sources used must be current, reliable and recognized within the scientific community.
  • Items must strictly follow the rules of writing (download presentation standards).

If passed this preliminary test, the items are sent to two reviewers who must evaluate them as confidential and anonymous, which is known as peer review. This means that the document sent to the arbitrator do not have the names of the authors, their general data nor any information that allow the identification. Neither the referees know the identity of the other reviewer.

The referee should give their opinions on the basis of a model that contains the following:

  • About the content: scientific quality of the material, with evidence of contributions to the subject, originality of approach, relevance and interest in the subject; timeliness and reliability of the sources.
  • About the form: logical structuring of the material, making it clear: introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions; quality of the writing and the style employed, relevance and quality of tables, graphs and photos.
  • Finally, the reviewer must suggest one of the following options: do not accept, accept as is, accept with modifications of content, and accept with modifications of form.

After receiving the criteria of the two referees, the editorial board reconciles both reports and contacts the authors to let them know the results of the review, in order to make corrections. From that time the author has a month to readjust the article.

In the majority of cases the editors make the final decision confronting the material returned by the author, with reports from the referees, but it may happen that required another round of review.

Referees are renowned professionals active in each of the themes of the magazine and are assessed annually to be ratified or not in their duties in accordance with their participation in the review process. In each issue, the specialists who acted as reviewers are included as part of the scientific advisory board of the journal.

Reviewers must do their work to the attention of the ethical obligations of the arbitrators, which appear within the guidelines for their work (See On the work of the referees). These regulations require the principle of confidentiality and a commitment of not to use the content of the work reviewed, among other important requirements.

The views and opinions of each paper are those of the author.

The editorial board does not accept jobs that do not meet publication standards.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Editorial Guidelines:

  1. Entries should be submitted in Word format DIN A-4. The texts used the font Arial 12 uppercase and lowercase, except the title and subtitles which should be in uppercase and bold.
  2. The articles should be written in Spanish but also acceptable English. If it were a translation shall identify the name of the translator.
  3.  The text should be written with double spacing, indented on the first line of 0.4 cm, justified without leaving extra spaces between paragraphs and lateral margins of 2.5 cm.
  4. The extension of the papers depends on the section in which the article is to be inserted. With Criterion: 15 to 20 pages, of the Kingdom of this World: 5 to 8 pages; Academic: 5 to 8 pages.
  5. Items of With Criteria section, dedicated to disseminate original research results, should respect the internationally accepted structure for these cases: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion of results, conclusions and references.
  6. Items of the sections of the Kingdom of this World and Academic must follow a structure according to the subject treated, but in any case must respect the following major components: introduction, development (subdivided in the way the author deems appropriate); conclusions and references.
  7.  The article must always be accompanied by the following additional elements: title in Spanish and English, names of authors, abstract in Spanish and English, key words in Spanish and English; theme of the article in Spanish and English section of the journal where aims to publish the article.
  8. The title should be no longer than 15 words (one hundred characters).
  9.  Abstracts: between 100 and 150 words and must contain the essential elements treated at work: introduction, methods, results and conclusions.
  10. In all cases indicate the classification of the subject of the article according to their content. Examples: Heritage conservation, rehabilitation, urban planning, construction systems, design, construction economics and so on.
  11. The Authors’ information should include: university title, scientific degree, teaching or research category, current place of work, brief note on the work performed and the email.
  12. It is desirable for authors to submit a photo to add it to their personal data.
  13. The text should be submitted in a folder and images (photos, charts, tables), in separate folder, identified and numbered consecutively, with the corresponding foot. Within the text, the author must indicate (in parentheses) where to place each image. You must add a representative picture for the first page of the article, which will be properly identified. Authors should clarify the origin of the photos.
  14. For the images will be used formats: JPG, TIFF, BMP in 300 DPI in 10 x 10 cm.
  15. Tables should be written in Word. These should be concise, with a minimum of information data.
  16. Explanatory notes are indicated with an asterisk in the text and footnotes placed. Each page will only be allowed up to three grades.
  17. The sources should be cited in the text in brackets in sequence with Arabic numerals, and must be listed in the heading References at the end of the article in the order of appearance, according to ISO 690.

To reference an article:

To write the references use the International Standard ISO 690.

The references described in the list of references should be mentioned in the text and vice versa.

Will be listed in order of appearance and it is reliable that comply with the following parametres:

• 50% must be from the past 5 years.

• 40% belonging to works available on the Internet.

• There is a correspondence of 25/70/5 of books, monographs, manuals/serials/and other types, included in the references used.

• Be cited as published online works that have been published by recognized institutions: universities, research centers, international organizations, high level companies, etc.

• The rate of self-citation to the Journal Arquitectura y Urbanismo will be less than 10%.

References style

References should be written with Arabic numerals in brackets, eg [23], [1, 5, 12]. If you quote concrete parts of a document the pages can be indicated after the numbers, example: [12 p. 57], if you quote several consecutive references: [2,3,4,5].

Example: "...another tendency [3, 6], it base on the present theory in the bevel gear assembly [14,15,16].

You should not write at the end of a paragraph more than 3 or 4 related references wich weren't important to the study, for example: [2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15].

Any references cited in the article must be given in full. If an item has an international standard number (e.g. ISBN, ISAN, ISMN, ISRC) or other international identifier, e.g. Digital Object Identifier (DOI), that uniquely identifies the resource, it shall be included in the reference.

Web references: the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed Don't write but


LASTNAME(s), Name. Title in italic. Number of volumes, Translated for:, Edited for:, number of edition. Place: Editorial, year. Vol. No, extension. Consulted pages. ISBN.

ÇENGEL, Y. A. y BOLES, M. A. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 946 p. p. 334-385. ISBN: 978-0070606593.

Part of a book:

LASTNAME(s), Name. "Title of the part". En: Responsable for the whole work. Title of the whole work. Edition. Place of edition: editorial, year of edition. Consulted pages.

SNAVELY, B.B. "Continuous-Wave Dye lasers I". En: SCHÄFER, F.P. (ed). Dye lasers. Berlin: Springer, 1990. p. 91-120.

Journal publication:

Title of the publication in italic. Year, volume and number of the issue. Place of edition: editorial, date of the first volume - date of the last volume. Serie. Notes. ISSN. Boletín económico. Banco de España. 1998, nº 1. Madrid : Banco de España, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1979- .ISSN: 0210-3737.

Issue of a journal:

LASTNAME(S), Name. "Title of the issue". Other contributors with the issue. Title of the journal., Year, volume and number of the issue . Consulted pages.

LLOSA, Josep, et al. "Modulo scheduling with reduced register pressure". IEEE Transactions on computers.1998, vol 47, núm. 6, p. 625-638.


Country. Title. Publication, date of publication, number, pages. España. Ley orgánica 10/1995, de 23 de noviembre, del Código penal. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 24 de noviembre de 1995, núm. 281, p. 33987.


MAIN RESPONSIBILITY. Denomination of the patented element. Subordinate responsibility. Notes. Identifier of the document (country or office that register it). Class of patent document. Number. Year-month-day of publication.

MENDOZA, F.C. Oven forpreparingfriedfoodproducts, US Patent- 471164. Off Gaz US Pat Trademark Off Pat, 1987, December, 8. , Vol. 956, No. 2, pp. 636, 1987.


OFICINA NACIONAL DE NORMALIZACIÓN. Transmisiones por correas dentadas - cálculo de la potencia nominal y la distancia entre centros de poleas. NC-ISO 5295:2010. La Habana. Oficina Nacional de Normalización. 2010.


APELLIDO(s), Nombre. Título de la tesis. Tutor. Tipo de tesis. Institución académica en la que se presenta, lugar, año. LASTNAME (s), Name. Title of the thesis. Tutor. Thesis type. Academic institution in which takes place, place, year.

CABELLO ERAS, J. J. "Cinemática, transmisión de la carga, lubricación y resistencia superficial de las coronas de molinos de caña de azúcar". Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Central de las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba. 1999.


THAMIZHMANII, S., y HASAN, S., "Investigation of surface roughness and flank wear by CBN and PCBN tools on hard Cr-Mo steel". In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering. London: U.K., 2009. vol. I. ISBN 978-988-17012-5-1.

Unpublished Report:

LASTNAME(S), Name. "Title of the report." Informe inédito. Place: Organism that produces it, year. GUIRADO ROMERO, Nuria. Proyecto de conservación y recuperación de una especie amenazada, Testudo graeca, a partir de las poblaciones relictas del sureste español. Informe inédito. Almería: [s.n.], 1988. 115 p. Informe técnico Dirección General de Medio Ambiente.

Electronic Information Resources

The following elements are added:

[en línea] after the main title of the work.

At the end of the reference it is added [consulted: dates of consultation]. Disponible en: electronic address of the document or web page. .


Sending of manuscripts

Items must be sent via email to the address of the journal:

Another possible way is the personal delivery of a digital copy of the material to the members of the editorial board of the magazine in the Faculty of Architecture, Instituto Superior Politecnico Jose Antonio Echeverria, Calle 114 No. 11 901 e / Ciclovía y Rotonda, Cujae, Marianao, La Habana , Cuba. Apartado postal 6028. CP 1939.

Additionally, authors should provide the following documents:

Request for publishing article in which the authors state that the item is of their own creation and selected parts of other documents have been properly cited, respecting the ethical obligations of the authors listed in the document.

Transfer of copyright, in which the authors of the article allow its diffusion as provided by the magazine Architecture and Urbanism and ensure that the material is original.

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the contents of this journal, Arquitectura y Urbanismo, is licensed under a
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported License.

Facultad de Arquitectura
Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría

Calle 114, No. 11901, entre Ciclovía y Rotonda,
Marianao, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba,
Apartado 6028, Cujae
Tel-Fax: 537-2606997

Código Postal: 19390