ISSN 2072-2001
online version

ISSN 0253-5785
printed version



Scope and policy

Arbitrated by specialists of great experience and prestige, Centro Agrícola is a journal that publishes original scientific articles in Spanish on agricultural issues with the objective of disseminating scientific and technological advances in the following areas:


• Agroecology

• Allelopathy and bioactive substances

• Plant Biology

• Plant Physiology

• Fitotecnia

• Vegetable Health

• Soil and Fertilization

The content of the journal is targeted at teachers, scientists, students, specialists and general practitioners, who work on topics related to agriculture. All papers before being accepted for publication are subject to prior review by the Editorial Board. Accepted by this body are then sent to the Body Referees to be evaluated in a process of double blind peer review system (revisión por pares doble ciego) by members of this body who collaborate with the publication of the magazine. After the suggestions are sent to the authors to perform corrections.

The Editorial Board of the journal Agricultural Center verified during the steps preceding the publication of the articles originality of the contents presented. For this editors, referees and other staff reviewed documents considering the title, authors, keywords, etc., with the help of search and tracking plagiarism available on the web. If more than five manuscripts verbatim paragraphs is detected, it is dismissed for lack of originality.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The manuscripts written in Spanish as the official language of the Journal will be received. Exceptionally they may be accepted manuscripts written in English. In both cases contain a summary in English (abstract) and in Spanish. The maximum total length of the manuscript is 12 pages for research articles and opinion, 4 for short and 15 pages for reference communications by following the following specifications: configured for letter size document (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm) (8½ "x 11"), all margins 2 ½ cm, spaced 1½, type Arial or Times New Roman, size 12, justified text in a single column, and paragraphs without indentation no prior or subsequent including space, tables and text inserted in the back to the first call figures, reaching centered on the text body position.

When a term or phrase in Latin or another language different from the manuscript is used, it is written in italics and quotation marks eg. "in vitro", "in vivo". The scientific names of species written in italics eg. Phaseolus vulgaris L. In the name of the classifier and higher taxa gender cursive is not used, but the vertical letter.

Will only be accepted symbols and units of the International System of Units and chemical nomenclature and with respect to the abbreviations as indicated for that purpose by the Royal Spanish Academy. As for the acronym, the first time it is used will be in parentheses, preceded by the full name of the entity or concept that represents. Excepted those well-known acronyms such as UN, FAO, etc.

Article subtitles (Abstract, Introduction, etc.) are written in capital letters (first letter) and lowercase, with no end point, flush left and bolded. The text for each subtitle will start to be written on a separate line.

Structure of the manuscript

Investigation article: Contain the following parts: Title (Spanish and English), Authors, affiliation and address of the authors, abstract, keywords, resumen, palabras clave, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliography. If deemed necessary to issue a recommendation, it must be included in the section on conclusions.

Short communication. Short information whose immediate publication is justified because of an unpublished work of importance has not yet sufficient to constitute a scientific paper volume. It will consist of Title (Spanish and English), Authors, affiliation and address of the authors, keywords, palabras clave. The contents of the communication are drawn up to provide summary information that contains elements of the introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusions, but in a continuous way, without reflecting subtitles. Finally, include the heading "Bibliography".

Reference article: It is structured with headings Title (Spanish and English), Authors, affiliation and address of the authors, abstract, keywords, resumen, palabras clave, Introduction, Materials and Methods (explaining the fundamental characteristics of the consulted bibliographies such as historical period covered, sources, geographical locations), Development (central text of the document) and can divide it by the subtitles it deems appropriate, Conclusions and Bibliography.

Article of opinion or point of view: It is composed of Title (Spanish and English), Authors, affiliation and address of the authors, abstract, keywords, resumen, palabras clave, Introduction, Argumentation and Bibliography.

Title: Must be the short summary and concise manuscript should not include acronyms and abbreviations, may include the common name and / or the (Latin) scientific name of living organisms without the classifier name, or the name of the varieties, cultivars, clones or isolates, unless they constitute the objective of the investigation. This information will be given by making reference to the species for the first time in the main body of the article. Using a technical, precise and direct language, using words that accurately define the content of the article. Avoid words or phrases that do not add any meaning, such as "Notes on", "Some aspects", "Research ..." Testing ... ". You must not have more than 20 words or occupy more than three lines. I will not be headed by the word "Title".

Authors and affiliation: be placed below the title, in order from left to right starting with the primary author, separated by commas, except before the last author to be used "and". They reflect the full names including the two names, if present and two surnames, not including degrees or categories. This information can be provided with a call footer. Are allowed up to eight authors. If the authors belong to different institutions will be placed an Arabic number (beginning with 1) in superscripted at the end of the second last name of each author belonging to the same institution. That number will be on the left of the name and address of the institution that would result following the authors. Of each institution's full name followed by the acronym in parentheses, address, zip code, telephone and e-mail addresses of the authors who belong to it will be written. I will not be headed by the phrase "Authors and affiliation".


Ahmed Chacón Iznaga1, Sirley Gattorno Muñoz2, Oralia Rodríguez López2 y Alianny Rodríguez Urrutia2

1Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas (UCLV). Carretera a Camajuaní km 5 ½. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba, CP 54830. Tf. 42281692, email:

2Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CIAP), Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas (UCLV). Carretera a Camajuaní km 5 ½. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba, CP 54830. Tf. 42281520, emails:;;


Abstract / Resumen: The abstract is the synthesis of the work and will be written in a single paragraph. It should be written in third person and be implicit in it the essence of the manuscript, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions. It should not contain abbreviations or acronyms and should not exceed 250 words. The Abstract, the same requirements shall be written in English. English manuscripts will possess in Spanish.

 Palabras clave/Keywords: Words or phrases (keywords) must be separated by commas and not exceed 7; must identify the content of the article and allow its classification, preferring terms that are not in the title. You can consult the AGROVOC Thesaurus, FAO and agricultural Tesauro, of the National Agricultural Library -from Department of Agriculture United States (http: // The keywords are listed in alphabetical order, from left to right on the line or lines. The "Keywords" are arranged in the same order they are palabras clave, ie, do not follow an alphabetical order.

Introduction: It should be short, with the exposed problems and objectives reflected in it. Should not contain tables or figures.Materials and Methods: The materials and methods should be written in third person, past tense and describe in detail the procedure followed and the peculiarities of the materials used; and leave a lasting methodologies followed and the main aspects of research interest. In field experiments the experimental design and soil and climatic characteristics of the site should appear. Must appear statistical resource used.

Results and discussion: The results of the specific research and supported in tables and figures. The results will be discussed, interpreting and commenting on the author's criteria and other authors, if it is appropriate. Authors should submit the research results and discuss them in the sense of relating the variables analyzed. The comparison with the data presented by other authors characterized the discussion of them. Avoid excessive speculation and the data should not be presented simultaneously in tables and figures.

a. Tables: will appear sorted with consecutive Arabic numerals, which appear immediately to the word table separated by a space, after the number one point and then the title that characterizes it will. The title is placed at the top of the table. They are prepared in Word text processor normal format without shading effect. Must be in place in the text where appropriate after the first reference. Possess abbreviations should be referred under the table a legend.


b. Figures: should be prepared in Word or Excel for Windows (original). They are not allowed in third dimension. They may be color. Differences between treatments must exist, and the corresponding Statisticians appear. They will be identified at the bottom, with the word Figure followed by a consecutive Arabic number, separated by a space and then after a point and followed, the title of it. Figures may consist of graphs, diagrams, drawings or photographs. In all cases they should have good quality, contrast, readability, legends, symbols necessary and should not duplicate information. In the case of photos where the source was obtained should appear.


Conclusions: Must express concretely and synthesized the consequences and generalizations arising from the interpretation of the results. It is not a repetition of the results obtained.


Bibliography: Should be cited only the strictly necessary for the understanding of the article. Be written taking into account the UNE-ISO 690: 2013 and the specific characteristics established by the Editorial Board of the Journal as detailed in these instructions. The accuracy of references and the correct citation in the text are the responsibility of the authors of the manuscript. They allowed up to 20 bibliographies in research articles and opinion, up to 30 in reference to 10 in the short communications. At least 30% must be in the last 5 years, compared to the year article submission. They are cited in the text using the format "last year". In the text when exceeding the two authors will be placed et al. Examples: (Guerra, 2005; Alvarez and Fernandez, 2010; Rodriguez et al., 2012.).

Personal communications, conferences, papers or unpublished reports should not be cited in the Bibliography. It should be avoided citation of papers published in Proceedings of scientific events.

When the actual words used by the author are cited, that sentence must be identified in quotation marks (""). If the quote is an interpretation of the idea, by the writing, the phrase, corresponding to the appointment will not go in quotes. The way to reference an appointment can follow two ways: If the author cited is part of that phrase, is indicated in parentheses the date of publication follows the author's surname. If the author is not part of that phrase, then placed at the end of the phrase, in parentheses, the author and year. If several authors around the same idea are mentioned, they are separated by semicolons, organized chronologically first and alphabetically within each year.


  1. Fundora et al. (2006) demostraron que dosis entre 120 y 150 kg/ha de Nitrógeno son suficientes para alcanzar altos rendimientos en la papa.

  2. Se ha demostrado que con dosis de 120 a 150 kg N/ha pueden obtenerse rendimientos de más de 30 toneladas del tubérculo por hectárea en suelos con contenidos medianos de materia orgánica (Fundora et al., 2006).

  3. El uso excesivo de fertilizantes es innecesario para la obtención de altos rendimientos de los cultivos y provoca contaminación del ambiente (Fundora et al., 2005a; Fundora et al., 2005b; Machado et al., 2006; Quintero 2006 y Zanabria 2006).

In the list of bibliographies placed at the end of the article, they should be reflected all authors (up to 6), if they exceed that amount will, after the sixth author, the expression [et al.]. It will be written the or last name, followed by the initial of (the) name (s), which are separated from the surnames by a comma. The separation between authors will be with a semicolon (;) before the last author, except where used an "and" or the equivalent word in the language is the reference. Followed by the last author will be placed in brackets, the year of publication. Then, after a point, it will be written in quotation marks, the article title, finished in a point; then they placed, data relating to the publication, which will have its particularities according to their type. The body of bibliographies list will be edited in alphabetical order by last name of the first author, without numbering and indented 0.5 cm from the first line. Are not accepted, anonymous and unpublished bibliographies and should not be abused those from the news media, social networks or other sources of little scientific rigor.

For a list of bibliographies guided by the following examples, respecting the order, types of letters and punctuation marks. When two or more contiguous bibliographies that match the same authors in the same year are submitted, they will differ with letters a, b, c ..., the right side of the year, which will serve to avoid confusion to mention them in the text.

printed book:

VILLEE A., Claude (1974). “Biología”. Agut Armer, Vicente (traductor). 6ª ed. México: Nueva editorial interamericana, S. A., 821p.

 Serial Journal:

 Torres García, S.; Hernández Aro, M.; Puente I., Mayra; De Cupere, Franͧoise y Van Damme, Pattrick (2006). “Efecto alelopático de Phyla strigulosa sobre germinación y crecimiento de cultivos”, Centro agrícola 33 (2):69-73, abril-junio.

 Thesis (Monographs, Reports):

Valdés Herrera, R. (2003). “Umbral económico de Diaphania hyalinata (L.) y lucha biológica con el empleo de nematodos entomopatógenos (Heterorhabdditis spp.) en organopónicos”. Tesis para optar al título de Ingeniero agrónomo. Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Santa Clara (Cuba), 48 h. Institutional:

 MINAGRI (2011). “Instructivo para el cultivo de la campaña 2011-2012”. Instituto de Investigaciones del Tabaco, Ministerio de Agricultura, La Habana, 24 p.

  Internet sites:

 González Pérez, A. J. (1999). “Comunidades aztecas de México”. Secr. de Medio Ambiente, México. Extraído de: Accedido en julio 2010.

 Congress memory (events, workshops, scientific meetings):

 Quintero F., E.; Gil Díaz, V.; Ríos Labrada, H.; Ortiz Pérez, R.; Ponce Brito, M.; Miranda Lorigados, Sandra y García Hernández, J. C. (2008). “Diversificación del cultivo del frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en la región central de Cuba a través de la selección participativa de variedades”. En: I Congreso Internacional y Feria Nacional del Frijol 2008, 22-24 mayo. Celaya, Guanajuato, México. Memorias, Sección de Póster, pp. 26-27. ISBN: 978-970-43-0376-1.

 Note: For more information see the UNE-ISO 690: 2013.



Sending of manuscripts

The manuscripts will be sent via email to one of the following addresses:; or; also they can be delivered directly from the portable electronic device on the premises of the journal, located at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Marta Abreu Central University of Las Villas, Road Camajuaní km 6, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. Telephone (53) 42-281520.

Will be received only original articles that are not published, in whole or in part, they have not been proposed or sent to another journal, and meet the following requirements:

  • The authors, although they retain copyright of their work, agree that the journal's publish the work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International which permits unrestricted use, distribution, translation and reproduction of the document in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.

  • Are considered as authors only those who have made significant contributions in preparing the article, either in the design of the research, analysis and data interpretation, or writing and critical review.

  • All authors are willing to publish the article in this journal.

  • There are no conflicts of interest among the authors and the institution.

  • It does not use information of any kind, unlike the property of the authors, if not properly cite the source.

The direction of the journal assumes, to receive the shipment, which has complied with the above precepts.

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All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Carretera a Camajuaní km 6

Santa Clara,Villa Clara
Cuba, CP 54830
Tel.: 53-42281520