ISSN 1815-5928
online version



Scope and policy

Among the topics included in the Electronics, Automation and Telecommunications Engineering Journal are: computer systems and industrial process control systems, telematics, bioengineering, equipment design, analog and digital electronic systems, design and manufacturing of microelectronic and nanoelectronic devices. It comprises research in the field of holography and lasers, as well specific contributions on the design of electronic measuring systems and telemechanic systems. Besides, the journal covers topics on networking, telecommunication channels and means and systems for transmitting information/ data transmission and computer systems. It also includes technical notes and summaries.

The selection process for publishing the articles starts with the submission of the works by the authors in electronic format, in accordance with the Style Guideline of the journal. Articles are firstly reviewed by the Jornal´s Editorial Board to verify if they meet the journal´srequirements and standards with regard to format, originality, etc. the second stage is the review process, which may last up toone month.

there view process is based on a peer review system, which involves two reviewersor referees whose performance is confidential and anonymous (double-blinded reviewing). The reviewers evaluate the extent to which the article is suitable or not for publication. The reviewers´evaluation report is taken into consideration by the Editorial Boardmake a final decision concerning the publication of the article.


The Electronics, Automation and Telecommunications Engineering Journal has a peer review policy for articles submitted by authors, provided that they meet the criteria for publication and that they are relevant to the scope and the mes of interest of the journal. Contributors are requested to name at least three specialists qualified to referee the articles. However, the Editorial Board will select and nominate a couple of reviewers who may or may not be included in the authors’ recommendations. This way,the reviewers’ identity is concealed from the authors and anonymity is guaranteed in each case. The Editorial Board, as well as the experts who review the manuscripts, will ensurethat the ethical standards
are observed, in order to avoid conflicts of interest.

The editorial team of the journal will acknowledge receipt of the papers received to the authors and will subsequently report their acceptance or rejection. The Editorial Board of the Journal reserves the right to reject articles considered not suitable for publication.


The work with the manuscripts is ruled by the Chief Editor or people designated by him. The publishing process consists of the following steps:

1. Record of each manuscript received in the database of the Editor Technical.

2. Acknowledgment of receipt of the manuscript via e-mail to the corresponding author.

3. Reviewing of the manuscript focusing on the style to verify if it meets the journal’s requirements. At this stage the manuscript can be returned to the authors with suggestions on how they could improve it to make it suitable for submission to The Electronics, Automation and Telecommunications Engineering Journal.

4. Reviewingof the manuscriptto verifythe conformity of the article content with the themes and scope of the journal. The Technical Editor or the Editorial Board members may reject the manuscript at this stage, without submitting itfor peer review.

5. Peer review. Manuscripts received are submitted for peer reviewrecommended by the Editorial Board. The peer reviewers designated may or may not be members of the Editorial Board.

6. Informing the corresponding authors via e-mail about the articles being submittedfor peer review.

7. Reception of evaluation reports and recommendations to be included inthe Technical Editor’s database.

8. Technical Editor’s final decision based on the recommendations of peer reviewers.

9. Notification via e-mail to the corresponding author about the final decision.

10. Corrections by the authors, if any, and resubmission of the final manuscriptto the Technical Editor, if accepted.

11. Publication inthe electronic version of The Electronics, Automation and Telecommunications Engineering Journal.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


Title of the article

Authors’ name


This template provides basic guidelines to help you prepare articlesfor submission. Articles will be published as received by the Chief Editor (, In order to ensure a professional approach and maximum uniformity among all works, we kindly ask you to pay close attention to these basic guidelines, which indicate the areas typically available for each part of the article, from the title, which should not exceed 90 characters, until the main text,as well as the font type and sizesuggested.

All articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or.docx)

The abstract should not exceed 250 words
Following,the abstract in English (same format as in Spanish but in italics)
Key words: English keywords
Title in English

The article should be written in Microsoft Word format, with an impersonal style. Articles can be submitted in electronic format. Abbreviations should be avoidedand acronyms should appear with their meaning properly explicit. Measurement units must be expressed according to the International System. This template will serve as a guide for the style required for the article. It contains information about the fonts suggested for the articles.

The article should not exceed 15 pages and it must be written in letter paper format (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm) with the following margins:
Top margin 2.5 cm
Left margin 1.2cm
Right margin 2 cm
Bottom margin 2 cm

Margins must be symmetrical ("mirror margins"), in other words, in odd pages the left margin becomes the inside margin and in even pages it will be the outside margin.

The Title, Authors’ names and their data must be in one-column format on top of the first page. The font suggested is Times New Roman, with sizes varying in accordance with the importance of content of the article:

The title in 28-point bold Times New Roman
The authors’ names in 12-point italics Times New Roman.
Authors’ data in 8-point italicsTimes New Roman.
The main body of the articlein 10-point Times New Roman.
The section headings in 14-point Times New Roman and the first letter in 18-point Times New. All headings in bold type and uppercase letters.

In regards with the line spacing, there are two simple rules to be followed. First, the use of singleline spacing throughout the article. Second, the space between sections should be a single line.
Below, you will find in more details how to arrange the first page of the paper.

Itcontains the title and the authors’ names and therefore it is atypical. The title should be 4 cm from the top edge of the page. The bottom margin should be of 3 cm. The right margin of the summary is wider than the others, ranging from 3 cm to4.5 cm.

The method recommended to cite a reference in the main body of the article is simply touse a sequential superscript number every time you indicate a new reference, for example, 1, 2 etc. At the end of the article a reference list should be supplied including author, title, type of publication and specific data on the same (page numbers, publication date).

The subsequent pages of the document are also written in a uniform one column format according to the margins indicated. A final recommendation: page numbers are not required.

One of the most complex parts when editing are figures. Figures comprise: photos, drawings, diagrams and charts. Whenever possible, figures should be placedas close as possible to the text part where they are first referred to. Moreover, its size should fill a column width, provided that clarity is not compromised.
In addition to the freedom provided in regards with the placement and editing of figures, we would like to add a very simple recommendation in order to achieve uniformity, relating to the footnotes. They should appear right below the figure in 9-point Times New Roman in order to differentiate it from the main text. Figures should be sequentially numbered.

Now you have been provided with all the basic guidelines that we would like authors to follow when writing suitable articles to be submitted to the “Electronics, Automation and Telecommunications Engineering” Journal.

References within the text should be sequentially numbered and thus listed on the reference section. They must be sequentially ordered as they appear in the text. They should appear in the Vancouver standard:

For Articles
1. González Crucet, E. Modelación de un generador de vapor. Ingeniería Energética. 1999;XX(1):1-12.

For Books
2. Artigas, JB. Centros históricos América Latina. 1st ed. Bogotá (Colombia): Talleres bibliográficos de ESCALA; 1990.

This last section should include a brief biographical data:
Full name, university degree, scientific degree, workplace, province, country and email. This information is crucialfor future contact.

Text that specifies the format and the forms of original shipment for the journal, establishes the standards of presentation of the journal and for bibliographic references of the journal, etc


Sending of manuscripts

Authors will write their articles in accordance with the StyleGuidelines of the journal.

The article should be submitted to the Editorial Board in electronic format:
1. Any storage devices are accepted
2. Sending via email: Articles should be sent in the submission email as an attachment.

The following documents should be sent as attachments:

Anapplication letter addressed to the Editorial Board of the Electronics Engineering, Automation and Communications Journal requesting the article to be reviewed for further publication. The letter should include the title of the article, and each author´s full name and signature. In that applicationletter, authors should state that they are the copyright holders of the article submitted. They should also accept the Ethical Obligations and the Article Publication Request.

A Copyright Cession Contract ceding the permanent rights of the papers to the Electronics Engineering, Automation and Communications Journalfor its publication and diffusion as provided by the journal. Moreover, authors should attest that the article submitted to this journal have not been accepted or published beforein their current or substantially similar form, and that it is not under considerationfor reviewing or publication elsewhere.

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The Electronics, Automation and Telecommunications Engineering Journal is
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The online journal has open and free access.

Full address
114th Street. No. 11901. Between Ciclovía and Rotonda.
Marianao 15. Havana, Cuba. Zip Code: 19390.
