ISSN 0034-7515
print edition
ISSN 1561-2988
electronic edition



Basic Information

Readership and authors: Professionals and technicians interested in pharmacy issues and their linking to health.

Mission: to publish articles on pharmacology, related sciences and Cuban pharmacopoeia that deal with the use of our rich flora in the drug industry and of the fauna existing in our seas for its possible use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. This is a scientific publication aimed at several professionals and technicians interested in pharmacy topics and their association to health.

Frequency: Quarterly
Year of foundation: 1967
Available in electronic format since 1995.

Indized in

LILACS, SciELO and Latindex.


The Cuban Society of Pharmacy and the Medical and Drug Industry of Cuba

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

Address: Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas. Infomed.
Calle 23 # 654 entre D y E,
Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana,
CP 10400, Cuba
Tel.: 537- 8330268