Kind of materials submitted for publication
The journal gives priority to original articles and bibliographic reviews. Editorials and letters to the editor are also published.
The journal accepts unpublished works and other documents that have been previously deposited in preprint servers recognized in the specialty (SciELO Preprints, PMC, MedRxiv).
Regulations for authors
Materials will be prepared in word processors with the extensions .rtf or .doc, using Arial 12 fonts (without the abuse of capital letters, Italics or bold), 1.5 line and paragraph spacing and Justify text; but bibliographic references, which will be Align Left. They will follow the following structure:
- Spanish title
- Author (Full name; in case there is more than one author, their names will be ordered according to their participation in the piece of work)
- Particulars (Arrange them in this order: scientific degree, academic degree and specialization, teaching degree, research degree, institution, department, institutional address, city, country, zip code and e-mail)
- Spanish abstract
- Spanish key words
- Body of the work
- Bibliographic references
- Explanatory notes
The title cannot be greater than 15 words and words will be capitalized only when necessary. Originals and reviews will have an abstract, which may or may not be structured, written in an impersonal style, containing the objectives of the piece of work, the materials and methods used as well as a short description of the results and conclusions. Structured abstracts cannot be greater than 250 words and the unstructured ones cannot be greater than 150.
Key words, from 3 to 6, will be found in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), which are available at http://decs.bvs.br/E/homepagee.htm to make indexation easier.
The length of the piece of work depends on the characteristics of materials. Original articles of no more than 15 pages will be accepted. The format IMRYD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) will also be accepted. The parts will be evaluated with scientific rigor. The objective, subject matter and antecedents to be dealt with in the piece of work will be defined in the introduction. Neither data nor conclusions characteristic of the piece of work will be included.
Used materials, inclusion and exclusion criteria of the researched institutions, composition and main characteristics of the studied samples as well as the used procedures and quality control statistics techniques will be described in the methods section. In case of widely known methods, references of the pieces of work where they are explained in high detail will be provided; otherwise, short descriptions will be added. In case the used methods are unknown, besides offering full information about them, reasons, advantages and disadvantages of their use will be presented. Programs used in data-processing will be specified. Results will be presented in a logical sequence and only relevant statistics will be provided.
The provided topical aspects will be dealt with in the discussion. Conclusions will be set out in accordance with the objectives of the piece of work and the meaning and limitations of the results with regard to similar ones will be explained. The aspects developed in the introduction and the results will not be repeated. Conclusions and unjustifiable extrapolations with the used data will be avoided.
Abbreviations and acronyms will be used neither in tittles nor in abstracts. The first time an acronym appears, it will be put in brackets and it will be preceded by the full names of the words it groups together.
Graphics, tables and shapes will be included in the body of the work or as an annex at the end of the material and they will be in .jpg or .gif formats, with a 72 dpi resolution and no more than 580 pixels. The information presented in tables and shapes will not be repeated in the text. Graphics will be used as an alternative to tables. Information on tables and graphics will not be duplicated.
If necessary, explanatory notes (presentations in congresses, academic activities or others) will be placed at the end of the body of the work and all the information will be presented: name, year, event, place (city and country), date and any other significant information for the author. A marginal note with Roman numerals in small letters placed in superscript (for example: i, ii, etcetera), without spacing after the last character, will be required. In order to make editorial work easier, predetermined Microsoft Word footers will not be used.
Recommendations of the Vancouver Style will be used in the bibliographic references in accordance with the uniform requirements of the International Medical Journal Editors Committee, available at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html. Marginal notes will be written with Arabic numerals placed in superscript (for example: 1, 2, etcetera), without spacing after the last character. They will be presented at the end of the piece of work in order of appearance in the text, without using predetermined Microsoft Word bullets, to make editorial work easier.
With regard to verifying topicality, at least 40 % of the information should correspond to the last five years. In case of electronic publications, placing the URL and referring directly to the quoted document is necessary.
Bibliographic Reviews
Articles to be reviewed should have the latest bibliography on the subject. They will have no more than 20 pages, with a structured abstract: introduction, method, development and conclusions. Authors will present the reviewed subject in a critical and original way.
Authorship contribution.
In original research articles, when there are 2 or more authors, the degrees of individual contribution to the results they present must be declared, which will be done according to the CRediT taxonomy.
The roles of authorship will be identified including each author in the role that corresponds to him and leaving empty the roles that do not apply (names and surnames, separated by commas):
- Conceptualization: xxx, xxx
• Data curation: xxx, xxx
• Formal analysis: xxx,xxx
• Acquisition of funds: xxx, xxx
• Research: xxx, xxx
• Methodology: xxx, xxx
• Project administration: xxx, xxx
• Resources: xxx, xxx
• Software: xxx, xxx
• Supervision: xxx, xxx
• Validation: xxx, xxx
• Display: xxx, xxx
• Writing - original draft: xxx, xxx
• Writing - revision and editing: xxx, xxx |