The journal is published according to the principles as outlined by Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE Also read additional in the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE. the flowcharts for malpractice in writing articles, plagiarism, change author, etc. Copyright Statement All
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to understand the basis of their observations. Authors can communicate the Editor about any person they want to exclude from the refereeing process, without justification. Those requests will be granted and treated confidentially in all cases. The reviewer should note any substantial similarity between the manuscript to review and any other already published or if you know any manuscript submitted for publication elsewhere, in both cases will inform it of immediately to the editor. The
entire content of a submitted manuscript is confidential and property of the authors,
it shall not be used in any way by the reviewer, or otherwise be exposed except
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Types of Papers Download Information for Authors
The manuscripts submitted can belong to the following categories: Original
article Review
article Short
article |
article will be sent to the Editorial Board in electronic form by email. The submission should have attached a letter of request addressed to the Editorial Board requiring the work to be considered for publication, download the Request for the Publication of Articles, and the Document for the Transfer of Copyright that establishes permanent rights over the work to Journal Ingeniería Mecánica for its publication and dissemination as determined by the magazine. Articles accepted for publication become copyright of the magazine, which reserves the right to make the editorial changes it deems necessary in the final version. |
Selection of articles and revision process
Papers submitted for publication must be original and unpublished and have not been published in any other way, the criteria for selecting the articles will be conditioned by their quality and will undergo a peer review process. The selection process begins with the submission of the work by the author or authors in electronic format according to the Drafting Rules for submitting articles to the magazine. Articles are evaluated initially by the Editorial Committee for compliance with the Edition Standards and if verifying that the work is original and of the required level for the magazine, then it passes to the review process. Revision process The revision process for the articles uses a peer review system that involves two referees remaining confidential and anonymous. The work is revised with a double-blind principle, implying that the document received by the referees does not have the names of the authors, their generals or any data that can disclose their identity, each referee will issue a report on whether or not publication is recommended, this report will be considered by the Editorial Committee for the publishing of the article. In case of discrepancy between the inform of both referees will be appealed to a third referee Referees may recommend the Editorial Committee weather that the article is: -Accepted. The
essential aspects for the acceptance of the papers presented are: The
main reasons for rejecting a work will be: |
compliance of the editorial standards is obligatory, works that do not meet these
requirements will not be accepted. The authors are responsible for the views and
ideas that are declared in their work. Also read additional in the Committee on Publication Ethics. COPE. the flowcharts for malpractice in writing articles, plagiarism, change author, etc. 1. Manuscripts should be written in English, in compliance with the established specialized nomenclature. The terms in other languages must be written in italics. Extension of the work: the original text of an article or review, with the inclusion of figures, tables and other items should not exceed ten (10) pages. 2.
Authors should prepare their articles in a word processor document format compatible
with Microsoft Word. 3. Format: all the text should be Arial 10 points, to a single column, justified, no indentation, single-spaced, numbered pages in the upper right corner. Title, subtitles and captions in bold. Figures and tables inserted in places closest to their first call. 4. Use the International System (SI) of units except in cases where it is inappropriate. After the magnitude is expressed in SI, the value and units in another unit system can be added within parenthesis. 5. Each figure must have a numbered title; this should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory, so that it can be understood without reference to the text. The numbering and the title will be placed underneath, example: Figure 2. Signal that simulates the vibration.... Prepare the figures in a graphics editor with a resolution of 72 dpi. All figures should be in a image format. Photographs should be of good quality. 6. The tables should contain a brief numbered title, for example, Table No. 3. Results of the experiment , to be located above, within the text these are cited by number, table No. 1. Tables should not be presented in image format. 7. To write the symbols (if necessary) and mathematical expressions an equation editor compatible with Microsoft Word should be used. Expressions are numbered consecutively, eg (2) and will use the same font that the rest of the article, they should be written completely and not be presented in image format. The subscripts and superscripts should be legible, written in an appropriate size. Use a table without border with two (2) columns, example: 8. If using an original image that has been previously published, the author must have the permission for reproduction. 9. The elements included in the document must be formatted: wrapping style in line with the text. 10. Do not use text boxes and page breaks and sections. 11. Do not write in the header or footer, the latter will be used for footnotes. 12. Quotes: textual quotes should be in quotations and then referenced. 13. The notes are numbered consecutively and are to be presented in the text footnotes, limiting them to a minimum. References in notes should be avoided. Article structure contents The structure of the articles must conform to the following order: Title: the title should not exceed 100 characters (including spaces) or 15 words. Should reflect a clearly and directly the content of the article. Avoid abbreviations. Author names and affiliations: present complete names of authors, specialty, affiliation address of the institution to which each author is related, e-mail, fax and telephone, country code and city, province or state. In order to differentiate the filiation of each author use an index with Roman numbers. In the list of signing authors should only be those who have participated intellectually and actively in the development of the work, professionals who have had minor contributions may be in the acknowledgments, but not be cited as authors. Submissions with more than six (6) authors are not considered. Example: Dr.
Rafael Goytisolo-Espinosa. Profesor. Mechanical Engineer Abstract: you must have at least 100 words and maximum 150, structured according to the ISO 214: Introduction, Objective, Materials and Methods and Conclusions, write the principal results and major conclusions, don't use abbreviations and references, is spelled in past. Key words: between 3 and 6 words, included in the title and in the abstract, avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes. Structure the article of the following form: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, Appendices. Introduction: define the problem and the objectives, introduce a revision (without being extensive) of the literature on the topic, State of the Art. It are spelled in present time. Material and methods: justify the selection of materials and methods, equipment and procedures, provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods published should be indicated by a reference. Results: show the true contribution of the work, with a like detail that justifies the conclusions, write them clear and concise. Discussion: write the significance of the results of the work, their practical applications and the conclusions that they are derived, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Conclusions: the principal conclusions of the study should edit clear and concise, according to the objectives and the scientific questions. Acknowledgements:
write them at the end of the article before the references. List here those individuals
that supported to the elaboration of the article. |
To write the references use the International Standard ISO 690. Will be listed in order of appearance and should comply with: -50%
must be from the past 5 years. Be cited as published online works that have been published by recognized institutions: universities, research centers, international organizations, high level companies, etc. The rate of self-citation to the Journal of Mechanical Engineering will be less than 10%. References style contents Avoid the excess of references. They should only cite really necessary references and directly pertinent to the topic of the investigation. References should be written with arabic numerals in brackets, eg [23], [1, 5, 12], serial references [2-5]. Example:"...another tendency [3, 6], it base on the present theory in the bevel gear assembly [14-16]. Don't endorse an asseveration with more than three references, example: [2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15]. Don't sustain, by means of references, statements that all the audience knows. Any references cited in the article must be given in full. If an item has an international standard number (e.g. ISBN, ISAN, ISMN, ISRC) or other international identifier, e.g. Digital Object Identifier (DOI), that uniquely identifies the resource, it shall be included in the reference. Web
references: the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last
accessed Example: ...[Viewed: June 2011]. Available from: Types of documents: Book: Çengel, Y. A. y Boles, M. A. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, p. 334-385. 946 p. ISBN 978-0070606593. Dillon, B.S. Engineering maintenance: a modern approach. USA: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Printed in the United States of America, 2002. [Viewed: February 2011]. Available from: ISBN 1-58716-142-7. Journal publication: Coronado,
J. J. "Fracture mechanics approach of repaired top roll shafts in cane mill".
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials. 2005. vol. 16, nº.
6, p. 419-429. [Viewed: February 2011]. Patents: Mendoza, F.C. Oven for preparing fried food products. USA: Off Gaz US Pat Trademark Off Pat, 1987, US Patent- 471164. December, 8. vol. 956, nº. 2, p. 636, 1987. Martín Carvajal, L. Cisneros, A. y García, A. Dispositivo para el rodillado en tornos horizontales de muñones de ejes. Cuba. Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad Industrial, OCPI. Patente 23418. 2009-07-24. Reports: US-NRC.
Information Digest 2009-2010. NUREG 1350. Washington DC 20555-001: U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2009, Vol. 21, [Viewed: June 2011], Digital Thesis: Fernández, Rodrigo. "Calcined Clayey Soils as a Potential Replacement for Cement in Developing Countries". Tutor: Karen Scrivener. PhD thesis, EPFL, Laussana, Switzerland: Materials laboratory, 2008.[Viewed: March 2010]. Available from: http://www.mat.sw/library/thesis/2356.pdf. Standard: International Organization for Standardization. Gears-Calculation of load capacity of Wormgears. ISO TR 14521: 2010. Geneva. Switzerland: Edited by ISO. 2010. Conferences: Thamizhmanii, S., y Hasan, S., "Investigation of surface roughness and flank wear by CBN and PCBN tools on hard Cr-Mo steel". In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, vol. I, London, U.K., 2009. ISBN 978-988-17012-5-1. |
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