ISSN 1029 3043
online version



Basic Information

Medicentro Electrónica is the organ of expression of the Health System in Villa Clara. Its purpose is to promote and publish the scientific production, as an evidence of the development attained by the public health and the teaching of the health sciences.

The history of Medicentro Electrónica is associated to the everyday life of the institution that it represents and to the personalities that understood the importance of transmitting the scientific information by this mean. While on this theme it is essential to mention the person who was the Chairman of the Editorial Board since its foundation until he died: our lifelong Rector, Prof. Dr. Zárate Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz, who summarizes all the moral values and attributes of the health professionals.

Medicentro began to be edited twice a year in print version in the printing house of our Institute until the first semester of 1994 (volume 10 No. 1) when due to the shortening of resources that characterized this period of the Cuban economy, it was not possible to continue its edition. The amount of work in every publication ranged between 8 and 38 articles. The Rector used to be also the Editor until Dr. Roberto González Martín who was Rector in 2003 decided to appoint a director for the journal.

The first edition of Medicentro Electrónica journal in electronic version appeared in 1997 (Volume 1 No. 1), first every four months and later since 2002, every three months.

Centro and Medicentro journals (Series of Medical Sciences) are jewels of Villa Clara's cultural heritage as they reflect the professionals’ creativity. They are also a source of knowledge as they let us know what was thought and written about the prevention and treatment of diseases twenty years ago.

The publishing institution is the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de  Villa Clara.

Its abbreviated title is Medicentro Electrónica, and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.


Information Services

The articles published in Electronic Medicentro are indexed or summarized by:

  • Latindex
  • BVS
  • Medigraphic
  • Google Académico
  • SeCiMed
  • WorldCat



The publication of this journal is financially supported by:

  • Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara -UCM-VC


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The online journal has open and free access.

Centro Provincial de información de Ciencias Médicas
Calle 7ma #80 e/ Prolongación de Colón y Hosp. Arnaldo Milián
Santa Clara, C.P. 50100, Villa Clara, CUBA.
Tel.: (53) 42 273765