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Scope and policy
This magazine DOES NOT APPLY CHARGES FOR PROCESSING OR PUBLICATION OF ARTICLES. It is published in electronic format, on a quarterly basis, and develops a set of activities aimed at providing advice to those interested in publishing: original, review and special articles, letters to the editor, case reports, communications and editorials.Medicentro Electronica only accepts articles that have not been previously published, nor are they being evaluated for publication in another journal; This implies a great responsibility on the part of the authors. All contributions will be evaluated by expert reviewers appointed by the Editors. The Editorial Committee of Medicentro Electronica reserves the right to reproduce articles or other documents previously published in other publications. The selection of the material proposed for publication is based on the degree of interest for most professionals, scientific soundness, originality, timeliness, timeliness of the information, seriousness in the treatment of the subject, its writing and compliance with the standards. of medical ethics. It only accepts documents previously published on recognized preprint servers (SciELO Preprints, PubMed Central, Medxiv, ArXiv, bioRxiv, Plos and others considered by the editorial committee). Authors must mention in their submission the availability of the document on any of these servers and its exact location. The journal considers articles from preprint servers, as well as open data and open peer review. The Editorial Board reserves all rights to original published works. For its total or partial reproduction, our magazine must be mentioned and two copies of the work must be sent to our address. This journal promotes the opening of data for research and invites authors to publicly post and reference the data they consider in their research so that they can be shared and reused, which facilitates transparency and credibility. The journal publishes seven types of articles: Editorials, Originals, Reviews, Specials, Case Reports, Communications, and Letters to the Editor. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
In order to publish in Medicentro Electronica, all articles must necessarily comply with the publication regulations; otherwise, they can be rejected without undergoing expert review. The document presented must have clarity and coherence of the wording, syntax and spelling. The meaning of the abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used will be described. The use of these should not be excessive, as it prevents fluid reading and understanding of the work. Forms of presentation of the manuscripts: The articles will be presented in electronic format of WORD text, in Arial font 12 and spacing 1.5. Compressed files in any format are not supported. |
Sending of manuscripts
Once the article is sent through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform by its authors, it is subjected to a review process that begins with the scientific editor, who sends it to one of the section editors, and these at their discretion. Once, they send it to the referees that the journal has declared to be processed through the peer review method; which will use the evaluation guide established for each type of article, available on our platform. Subsequently, these specialists issue a diagnosis according to the following categories: publishable without remarks, accepted with major fixes, accepted with minor fixes, or rejected. The authors are informed of the result of the opinion. The journal's editorial and editorial boards reserve the right to reject articles they deem inappropriate for publication. The evaluation period will not take more than 60 days. Within this period, the authors will be informed of the editorial decision. If for any reason the author does not wish to publish his article, he must notify the journal's management in writing, in order to avoid an ethical conflict. The authors will not exceed one month to make the changes suggested by the referees or editors, otherwise the editorial committee will have full power to withdraw the article from the journal due to late payment and non-compliance with what is established. |
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