ISSN 1993-8012
online version or printed version



Basic Information

Edited by the University of Moa, Cuba. It appears first in 1983, in paper format with ISSN: 0258 5979. Since 2006 it has been published only in digital version, online, with a new ISSN: 1993 8012. It publishes four annual issues and mainly contains original scientific papers, reviews and communications on the following topics: geology, mining, ore preparation and beneficiation, extractive metallurgy, physical metallurgy, energy efficiency and environmental rehabilitation in the geological and mining fields. It is an open journal of immediate access to its content.


Information Services

The articles published in Minería & Geología are indexed or summarized by:

  • CAB Abstracts
  • SciELO-Cuba
  • EBSCO Fuente Académica
  • Redalyc
  • Directory of Open Access Journals
  • JournalsTOC
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
  • Academic Search Complete
  • Latindex



The publication of this journal is financially supported by:

  • Universidad de Moa, UMoa

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

Av. Calixto García, No.15 % Av. 7 de Diciembre y calle Reynaldo Laffita Rueda. Reparto Caribe.
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