ISSN 1991-9395
online version
ISSN 1608-6384
printed version



Basic Information

The Cuban Journal of Health and Work is a serial publication of Open Access, scientific organ of official dissemination of the National Institute of Workers´ Health (INSAT).

It is aimed at professionals and technicians, regardless of their training and specialization, dedicated to the health care of workers or linked to this sector, both in the country and abroad.

Its purpose is to extend and make visible the knowledge and socialize the results achieved in scientific research, experiences in the teaching-learning process and other relevant activities for the development of occupational health.

It was founded in 1999, its first issue was published in 2000 and has a quarterly frequency (three issues a year), in addition to supplements, all of them referring to topics related to occupational health and health and safety at work and reflecting the health situation, the development of the system and its services, hygiene and control of occupational and occupation-related diseases, their relationship with human development and equity, among others; in each issue and in different specialized sections (original articles, reviews, comments and reflections, short communications, case presentations, etc.)

Offer a space for scientific communication and meet the demand for information in the area of occupational health, both nationally and internationally, including medicine, health and safety at work, through manuscripts with varied topics related to experiences in this subject, as well as comments, reflections, communications on topics of interest that promote greater development of scientific activity and its visibility

The abbreviation of its title is Rev cuban salud trabajo and is accessible through:


Information Services

Articles published in the Cuban Journal of Health and Work are indexed or summarized by:

  • Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ
  • Directory of Open Access Academic Resources - ROAD
  • Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge - REDIB
  • SeCiMed Catalog (Cuba)
  • Zeitschriften Datenbamk Catalogue - ZDB
  • Catalogue of Openness Policies - AURA
  • Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Catalog - OCLC
  • HINARI Index
  • CiteFactor Index
  • European Reference Index for Publications on the Humanities - ERIH PLUS
  • Medigraphic
  • Scientific Journal Impact Factor - SJIF
  • Cumed Database
  • Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe - OpenAIRE
  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Free Medical Journals - GFMER
  • Academic Resource Index - ResearchBib
  • International Institute for Organized Research - I2OR
  • Information Matrix for Journal Analysis - MIAR
  • CABI
  • Bielefeld Academic Search Engine - BASE
  • Repository of the National Medical Library - BMN
  • Repository of the Virtual Health Library - VHL Cuba
  • Cuban Science Network - RedCien



The publication of the journal is funded by:

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the content of the journal, is under a license
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
The online journal has open and free access.

National Institute of Workers' Health (INSAT)
Calzada de Bejucal Nº 3035 entre Heredia y 1a, Reparto La Esperanza, Municipio Arroyo Naranjo, Postal Code: 10900, Havana, Cuba
Phone: (53) 7643-8341 / (53) 7643-8343