ISSN 1991-9395
online version
ISSN 1608-6384
printed version



Scope and policy

The Cuban Journal of Health and Work (Rev cuban salud trabajo) is an Open Access journal, sponsored by the National Institute of Workers' Health (INSAT) and its publishing institution is the Medical Sciences Editorial, Havana, Cuba.

It aims to extend and make visible knowledge and socialize the results achieved in scientific research, experiences in the teaching-learning process and other activities relevant for the occupational health development.

It has a quarterly frequency, publishes full texts in different specialized sections (original articles, reviews, comments and reflections, brief communications, case presentations, etc.)
There are no fees for processing or posting articles and don´t have or permit any commercial or lucrative use, nor is advertising accepted or hosted for any product, person or service mentioned.

It accepts unpublished manuscripts, however, articles that have been previously deposited in preprint servers recognized in Health Sciences, are accepted (SciELO Preprints; PMC; Plos; MedRxiv;,,, etc.) or others that clearly identify the preprint as non-peer-reviewed work and include authorship data.

It uses a double-blind peer review system, however, the modality of opening the review is accepted, with the prior authorization of the authors and the referees.

It promotes the openness of research data, as long as the level of confidentiality allows it, following the precept that the data is "As open as possible, as closed as necessary." The author may submit their research data on any of the servers available internationally. The following are recommended: DataCite, The Dataverse Network, Zenodo, SciELO Data.

Requires, that the research submitted comply with all ethical statements for the types of studies, whether in humans or animals.

It requires too, for authors, compliance with the criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Presentation of the work
The text will be prepared in Microsoft Word, Arial font and size 12. Pages shouldn´t be listed, they´ll have letter size [(81/2 x 11) inches / (216 x 279) mm], written with single line spacing. The right and left, bottom and top margins shall be 0.75 inches/15 mm

On the first page of the manuscript will be reflected in independent lines, the type of article, title in Spanish and English, collective of authors (limiting the institutional affiliations in order and in superscript, as well as the identification of the author for correspondence) with the ORCID code of each (mandatory). All affiliations and the author's email address for correspondence will appear below

Below, the abstracts will be presented, structured, also in Spanish and English with their corresponding keywords, will not exceed 250 words and will be headed by the titles of the different sections that compose them separated into independents paragraphs

In the text, the sections of the articles will be identified with subtitles; the objectives of the research should appear at the end of the introduction and coincide with what is reflected in the abstract. The tables and figures will be organized by the order of appearance and will be reflected in the place that corresponds to them in the text, in all cases, mention will be made in the text and the source from which the information they show was obtained will be reflected, the source will be inserted at the end of the table, or below the bottom of the figure, as the case may be. Results and discussion should appear in separate sections

The bibliographic references will be delimited according to the order of appearance in the text, in superscript, enclosed in parentheses and after the punctuation mark that precedes it without leaving space. The journal embraces the rules of the Vancouver style. In the presentation of references and the text in general, authors should bear in mind some aspects that guarantee the quality of the manuscript and its passage through the editorial process

The authors will declare if there is a conflict of interest in relation to the research results proposed and will express, except in the case of a single author, the contribution in the elaboration of the text according to the taxonomy CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy); which establishes several typologies: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, acquisition of funds, research, methodology, project management, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, drafting of the original draft and writing, review and editing

Policy and type of sections
The journal publishes, in order of priority: original articles, reviews, case presentations, comments/reflections and brief communications; as well as editorials and letters to the Director/Editor, as well as some other type of work that, by communicative necessity, is decided. Guidelines for improving quality and transparency in publications related to health science research are recommended in the EQUATOR Network (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research)

The system of continuous publication that it hosts, allows the opening of two issues in progress and simultaneously, for this reason it isn´t limited, at the moment, the proposal of all the types of manuscripts mentioned although, strictly, it must be complied with that, at least, 70% of the articles in each issue are research articles.

The order of the manuscripts in the issues, after the editorial process is finished, is as follows:

  • Editorial
  • Original article
  • Case presentation
  • Literature review
  • Commentary and/or reflection
  • Brief communication
  • Digital thematic search
  • Letter to the Director/Editor
  • Semblance
  • Obituary
  • Critical and/or historical review
  • Number´s credits


Sending of manuscripts

The journal uses an electronic system for editorial management. The proposal of the articles is made through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform as part of the automation of said management, in the same way, the author will be able to follow the evolution of the process

The presentation of the work is the first step of the process and is carried out by the author in charge of the correspondence, who must previously access the journal's website: and mark, in the upper right, the option Send article, through which you must complete a 5-step procedure that will culminate in the success of the purpose pursued, receiving through email a record of receipt of the article

Preliminarily, we review some aspects that you must take into account at the time of shipment, some of which are part of a previous and highly advisable "table work":

a) Have located in an easily accessible site the Word version of the work to be proposed, since in the second step the system asks for your Browse location, and once located in the tab, it guides you Load and then Save and continue

b) In the third step, Enter the metadata, you´ll observe that the person who appears in the first instance is the one who´s proposing the work, so, if it isn´t the main author, later there is the possibility of ordering correctly the collective, once everyone's data has been incorporated

c) In the same aspect, the author will observe that his data appear implicit, since the system places them ex officio, correct, complete and detailed, in accordance with the care, patience and thoroughness with which they have been reflected when creating the user profile

d) It´s essential to take into account, at the end of the metadata of the main author and before reflecting the title and abstract, an option to Add author, management that must be carried out on as many occasions as members of the collective, as a requirement for them to appear in the table of contents and be credited with authorship in the correct order
Then the bibliographic references (without numbering and with an intermediate space between each one) and the keywords (separated by semicolons and without a period at the end) will be inserted. Check in Save and continue

e) Then, in the previous step, save the Spanish version of the metadata, you must return again to this third step and at the top of the page select Inglés/English in the Language tab of the form and then mark in Deliver, here you only have to fill in the aspects of the title, abstract and keywords, which as a mandatory aspect integrate the proposed manuscript, remember again Save and continue

f) In the fourth step, the supplementary files are reflected, if there isn´t only Save and continue

g) In the fifth step, just check that the file that appears reflected is the one you want to include in the platform and mark in Finish sending

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the content of the journal, is under a license
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
The online journal has open and free access.

National Institute of Workers' Health (INSAT)
Calzada de Bejucal Nº 3035 entre Heredia y 1a, Reparto La Esperanza, Municipio Arroyo Naranjo, Postal Code: 10900, Havana, Cuba
Phone: (53) 7643-8341 / (53) 7643-8343