Journal Challenges
of Management constitutes a scientific product from the Center for Entrepreneurial
and Territorial Management, at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Ignacio
Agramonte Loynaz University of Camagüey. It publishes research results
in the area of business and public management.
The mission of this journal is to "communicate knowledge and innovation
in areas that contribute to business and public management, with an impact
on academic, scientific, and social scenarios".
It targets related scientists, scholars, and professionals, as well as
national and foreign people and institutions that could benefit or contribute
to it, conferring it an international extent.
Additionally, the journal is a platform for diffusing knowledge to the
scientific and academic communities. Accordingly, Challenges of Management
becomes a way of exchanging and creating alliances among Cuban and foreign
Contributions should be in relation to one of these topics:
• Business
management and public administration
• Cadre formation and training
• Culture and management of changing processes
• Mathematical methods applied to management
• Knowledge management
• Quality management
• Economy and local development management
• Automation of management systems
• Economic sciences applied to decision-making
• Accounting and financial sciences applied to decision-making
published all articles in Spanish until 2019, plus an English version
of the titles, abstracts, and key words. Starting in 2020, every paper
is also published in English, which will be available in the second quadrimester
of the year, following the Spanish version issue. The journal generally
publishes original papers with scientific research results in the field
of business and public management, in Cuba and other countries.
It also accepts communications of impacts or practical experiences from
which interesting or novel theoretical generalizations of doctoral and
master's program research can be applied. The journal also publishes reviews
of academic interest written by outstanding specialists. The formats used
are HTML and PDF.
Up until 2020, the journal has been published twice a year, in July and
December. From 2021 on, the journal will be published every four months,
in order to increase its systematicity and extent. The issues are published
electronically, and exceptionally, in printed format. Starting in Volume
15, corresponding to 2021, the papers that passed the editing process
will be available from the first month of the quadrimester, through a
continuous publication model of the electronic version, which means that
in the first five days of each month following the end of the four-month
period, each issue will be completed, as follows:
Four-month period The issue will be completed in,
January-April May 5th
Mayp-Augus September 5th
September-December January 5th
Each volume displays the contributions from national and international
authors. The issue numbers and volumes are designed considering the requisites
established by SciELO. Aspects like endogamy in the Editorial Board and
the Institution are carefully dealt with. No more than 50% of authors
in each issue are from the University of Camagüey. Collaborative
research done between Cuban and Foreign universities is highly regarded.
"University of Camagüey Publishings" is in charge of the
editing process and printing on special occasions. Free distribution and
exchanges are run by the Office of Scientific Information at the University
of Camagüey.
Both the authors and reviewers receive an electronic certificate that
validates their contribution. Authors receive notification of their work
following publication.
The submission requisites and guidelines are displayed in the journal's
web page, at
The journal is indexed in, Scielo collection, Actualidad Iberoamericana,
Science Library Index, Scielo Citation Index of WOS, DOAJ, Redalyc, and