ISSN 2308-0132
online version or printed version



Scope and policy

The articles must be the result of research of high academic level and be unpublished in Spanish. The Directorate of the Journal will acknowledge receipt of the originals and together with its Advisory and Expert Committee will decide their admission, according to that they correspond with the editorial line of the same and that they comply with all the publishing rules of the magazine.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The arbitration process consists of a single step, that is, the Editorial Committee, once received the criteria of the arbitrators, accepts or rejects the article. In case of acceptance, the article can be sent later to the authors to add corrections or to readjust formatting problems. The originals will be sent to the team of anonymous reviewers who are experts in the scientific field on which they deal. The evaluators will give their opinion about the quality of the article and will give suggestions of modifications that improve, in their judgment, the evaluated work, or they will reject those articles that they consider do not have the quality required for their publication. With the reports of the evaluators the work will be rejected or admitted for publication in the journal.


Sending of manuscripts

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© 2016 FLACSO

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales , Universidad de La Habana, Plaza de la Revolución
Código Postal: 1400 La Habana Cuba