ISSN 1815-5936
online version



Basic Information

The Industrial Engineering journal, published by the Polytechnic University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría" (Cujae) of the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, founded in October 1977.

Registered as an electronic publication on the National Register of Serials with No. 2063, Folio 88, Volume III and ISSN 1815-5936, it accomplishes the quarterly frequency established by that registration.

This journal provides immediate free access to its contents, under the principle that making research freely available to the public, supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


The Industrial Engineering journal is the scientific organ of the Industrial Engineering School at the Polytechnic University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría" (Cujae). This journal has been created with the mission of publishing the original results of the most important and recent scientific investigations and applications within the field of Industrial Engineering, which have been carried out in Research Centers, both in Cuba and abroad. We intend to divulge these results and facilitate the access to updated information for professionals of this scientific and technological branch, ensuring the required quality for a scientific publication.


Being a reputable scientific publication with national and international recognition, highly visibility, impact on the scientific community for the dissemination of high-level scientific articles, that contribute to the knowledge of readers and foster the advancement of science and technique.


Industrial Engineering journal addresses to the scientific and academic community, national and international, mainly engineers, researchers, teachers and general practitioners working in the field of Industrial Engineering, Business Administration, Computer Engineering and other related.

Official website

All the content of the journal is available on the website:


Information Services

The articles published in Industrial Engineering journal are indexed or summarized by:

  • Latindex Catálogo
  • Dialnet
  • e-revistas

The journal is registered by:

  • Directory of Open Access Journals -DOAJ
  • Ulrich´s Periodical Directory
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library -San José State University
  • Biblioteca Virtual - Universidad Veracruzana
  • Bibliothèque de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon - Universite de Lyon
  • Índice Internacional Actualidad Iberoamericana
  • EBSCO - Fuente Académica



In case the paper is approved for its further publication, the authors, by means of the document "Declaration of originality and copyright assignment", transfer the property right on their articles to the Industrial Engineering journal so as to allow it to make copies and to distribute the contents by any means and in open access, as long as the authors remain acknowledged and there is no commercial use of their work.

The whole content of the license Creative Commons, under which the copyrights of those who publish in the Industrial Engineering journal are safeguarded, can be consulted on: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.


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© 2012 Industrial Engineering School, Polytechnic University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría" (Cujae)

Calle 114 No. 11901. b/ Ciclovía y Rotonda, Marianao 15.
CP 19390. La Habana. Cuba
Tel.: (537) 266 3521
