1561-3194 |
(works) must be unpublished and, when accepted, should not be submitted to other
journals to its publication, unless the editorial committee of the journal authorizes.
The following categories of papers are accepted to be published: |
Assembling and submitting the manuscript format and style
Title page or front page The title page should include the full name of the institution sponsoring the manuscript or the institutional affiliation of the author; title of the article, full name(s) and surname(s) of each author with the Arabic consecutive number in the super-index identifying the authors at the end of each name; next at three spaces, the same Arabic number will be used in super-index when corresponds for every author; pointing out occupational profile, teaching rank, most important academic degrees and institutional affiliation, locality’s name and e-mail address of the main author and co-authors whenever possible.
persons listed as authors would comply with the corresponding requisites of the
right of authorship and its logic, as well as the relevant professional link with
the topic dealing with. It is required that each author participate during the
preparation of the paper in sufficient degree to assume the public responsibility
for its content. Up to five (5) authors are admitted in the manuscript only. The order in which the authors are listed should be a conjoint decision of them, providing that the basic, professional and the relevant criteria of authorship are known. Abstract and key words However; in case of terms of recent appearance not included in such list, common expressions can be used.
Express the aim of the article. Sum up the logic background of the study or observation. Mention the strictly relevant references, without making an extensive review of the object of study. Include neither data nor conclusions of the work you are conducting. Be brief, it should not be more than a page, you should only provide the necessary explanation so that the reader can understand the text that follows. The scientific problem is made known and justified leaving the clear importance or the latest ideas to carry out the study. It should not include tables or figures. Include a last paragraph stating the objective of the work clearly.
Vancouver's standards will be used for the references of the citations. Number references consecutively following the order mentioned first in the text, using Arabian number and super-index. Abstain from utilizing the summaries as references. Do not cite any persons as a reference or the unpublished observations neither the personal communications. On the other hand, you can insert in the text (in parentheses) the references to written, non-verbal communications in the case of the field of Social Sciences. You should include in the references the accepted articles although not yet published. In this case, indicate the journal's title and add "at the press" in parentheses. The information on manuscripts presented to a journal but not yet been accepted should be cited in the text as unpublished observations (in parentheses). The original works should contain up to 20 citations, the reviews 25-50, and the case reports 10. Citations of published documents should be included with over 75% of updating. The bibliographic references on line must contain URL, dates of publication and access to consultation, so that they allow the editors and the readers to access to the referred article. The works not fitting to these instructions will return to the authors themselves. The accepted works will be processed according to the standards established by our Editorial Department. The uniform requirements before indicated are recommended to the authors in order to make easy the writing of the original. Our Editorial Department has the rights over the original works published in its journal. The source journal should be mentioned for total or partial reproduction and send one (1) printed issue to our address.
measures, such as standard deviation or mean standard error, should be appropriately
identified. Authors should be sure that each chart has been conveniently referred
to in the text. If charts present data from other sources, published or not, their
copyright and acknowledgement of use is required. Decimals should be separated
by commas instead of periods. The sources mentioned in chart foots are referred
to secondary registers.
In the cases of radiographies, echographies and other diagnostic imaging techniques, and pictures of pathological specimen or microphotography, black-and-white or color, clear and satin reproductions should be used, generally in size 127 X 173 mm. Letters, figures and symbols included in the pictures should be clear and uniform, and have de appropriate size so that each character could be legible in the reduced version of the published article. The pictures should be explanatory, since many will be directly showed as slides for scientific presentations. However, the titles and detailed explanations should be included in inscriptions, not in the pictures’ bodies. The microphotographies should have scale markers. Symbols, arrows, or letters included in microphotographies should stand out of the back. If pictures of people are used, the latter should not be identifiable, or the corresponding authorization should be present in written form that allows it use. If possible, a specific permit should be obtained for the publishing of these materials. The pictures footnotes should be consecutively numbered, following the order by which they have first been cited in the text. If a previously published picture is used, the original source should be mentioned, and the copyright document should be sent with the manuscript, with the authorization for reproducing the material. At least it is a document of public view, this authorization is required no matter which the publishing house or the authors are. The pictures should include the inscription below, after the source. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify parts of the picture, their meaning should be clearly explained in the inscriptions. The inner scale of the picture should also be explained.
You will include: Abstract - Introduction- Methods - Results - Discussion - Bibliographic References (20 references). Each one of them will start of consecutive form, except the front page (Institution, title, authors, the authors' categories and affiliation). The maximum length of works will be of to 15 pages, the authors will have to adjust to the methodology and length for an original article. It is written as requested by the Editorial Committee and meets a territorial need for bibliographical updating in both medical specialties and the training of the staff in our area. It is the article referring the documents published, it offers a critical evaluation of the works published, compiling, examining and synthesizing the state of the art of a theme in particular. The purpose of revision, sources and methods of quest of the references will have to be indicated. This type of article must include: Title, summary, introduction and development (by aspects). The work may include charts and pictures. The review article must be elaborated with the most updated bibliography on the discussed theme. Enlarge the introduction; suppress materials and methods (unless they present original data). Suppress results and enlarge the discussion. Its fundamental characteristic is to use the largest quantity of bibliographic references. It should contain 25-50 citation; they tend to be long, 10-50 pages. The review article, although sometimes it can contain new data, has as its purpose, to examine the bibliography previously published and to place it in a certain perspective, offering a critical evaluation of the object of study, and it must arrive to important conclusions based on the analyzed works.
Their purpose is to divulge innovative topics, of great use and importance for the scientific community in the professional sphere in medical training. It should include Abstract, Introduction (basing the reason for the topic), Development, Conclusions and Bibliographic References (up to 25 citations). These are articles describing one or several clinical cases
of exceptional observation, or innovative aspect of a previously known disease
or syndrome, which represent a contribution of especial interest to the knowledge
on the topic or the process described. Before writing a case report, one should
be sure that it really is worthy to be published. Brevity should be the fundamental
characteristic of this type of article. Its structure includes: Collaborations of professionals abroad These articles may be included among the previous ones, but
remitted by professionals on experiences or activities related to their collaboration
abroad in any of types of international cooperation of the country. These works
should fulfil the requirements established in presentation of the manuscript and
they may be presented by a representative of the unit of origin of the author
in his/her absence.
This category is an option offered by the editorial committee
to stimulate authors or collective of authors, health-care professionals, on topics
related to the local history of institutions, personalities or facts, specialties
or incidences of the process of formation of the human resources than, as having
occurred in a locality or province, they deserve to be seen as treasure testimonies
for the local history of health care.
These reflect comments or objections to articles published
in the journal. They are published with the aim at allowing the interchange of
knowledge and experiences among the authors and the readers of any publication.
They may contain up to three pages, be written by one or two authors and backed
up by bibliographic references.
It may be of scientific or opinion contents, written by the
director or by another professional as requested by the editorial Committee of
the journal. Scientific editorials. They suppose a rigorous updating
or an interesting emphasis on a specific topic. Editorials of opinion.
These include social-scientific points of view or stands of the scientific community
on a certain topic of common interest for health care scholars and professionals.
The editorials will be made as requested by the editorial Committee to Pinar del
Rio Journal of Medical Sciences. They should have a maximum length of
four pages and may include up to four pictures or charts. Frequency
of publication
Manuscripts will be sent by email, together with the permission issued by the Scientific Council of the institution to which the article and document of authorship declaration are credited, as issued by its President. One should write only on one face of the sheet. For both presentations, one should use 1.5 spaces along the whole manuscript, Verdana font type, size 10, with margins at 2, 5 cm, with 28-30 lines by page. The digital version in Microsoft Word, without indentation, tabulators or any other attribute of design (centered titles, justifications, spaces between paragraphs or others). The pages should be consecutively numbered, beginning by the title page on the inferior right angle. If the manuscripts are printed and digital with the mentioned documents as established for presentation, they will be received by the Secretary of the Editorial Department and a register's receipt will be given. Acceptance and registry of the work is the initial step in the editorial process for its selection and does not mean the approval for its publication. |
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