ISSN 2224-6185
online version or printed version



Basic Information

Been founded in 1980, the scientific Revista Tecnologia Quimica (abbreviated title RTQ) it is a publication cuatrimestral of the Ministry of Superior, arbitrated Education and published in collaboration among Editions UO of the Universidad de Oriente and Facultad de Ingieneria Quimica y Agronomia (FIQA). It allows the access open to all their content. It has it considers the articles coming from servants preprints, as well as with the opening of the data and of breaking wind open review. It is inscribed in the National Registration of Seriate Publications with RNPS 2118 and ISSN: 2224-6185. Directed to professors, investigators and other professionals interested in the thematic one, it allows the exchange of knowledge and experiences through their content.

History of the Journal

Was founded in 1980. With the time it has gone evolved and adapting to the demands of the databases in which is inserted. It has a rhythm lasting four months, registered and approved as seriate national publication with the registration number RNPS 2118, ISSN 2224-6185. The emergence of the journal is very tied to the industrial development reached when being increased the industries of chemical processes and alimentary, like the sugar industry in the country and in particular in the oriental region. The Universidad de Oriente played a decisive paper as first university in the country in assuming the career of Industrial Chemical Engineering, for what this career is jointly founder with the Universidad de Oriente in the year 1947, later on other careers like Sugar Chemical expert and Chemical Sciences Physique supported the development of these industries. The RTQ thought about from its beginnings like objective, to disclose the scientific production, the educational experiences and the works of professors' projects, investigators and other professionals in topics related with the development of the chemical engineering, fulfilling this way its mission of providing the publication and popularization of the works de investigation and of projects, the educational, scientific and technical experiences of the chemical engineering in the country and abroad, allowing the creation of an academic community. The first number of the RTQ was published in 1980 in support paper with technicians' taxes and Cuban specialists, but as it went being given to be known they began to receive taxes of other latitudes. In spite of some limitations that affected the printed publication between 1990 and 1997, the journal maintained a high prestige in the community of national engineers and international chemical for the dedication and concern of the Council of Writing of the same one and the dedication of many directive of the Universidad de Oriente to maintain alive the publication, it is for this reason that starting from the year 1998 the journal pass to the digital formed and to achieve that the numbers were available in digital format, were proceeded to the digitalization of the numbers in support paper, completing this way most of the volumes in digital format, continuing until the present in that support.


Theoretical works are published and of unpublished practical results on topics of Chemical Engineering and Engineering of Foods, related with the study of technologies, processes and apparatuses of the industries chemistry and alimentary. Topics are also accepted that try of the teaching of the Chemical Engineering, computer science applied to the Chemical Engineering, mechanical projects of chemical and biotechnical teams, engineering of the materials, economy of the chemical industry, controls of chemical processes and other topics considered as interesting, useful and convenient of agreement with the experience.


To provide the publication and popularization of the investigation works and of projects, the educational, scientific and technical experiences of the chemical engineering in the country and abroad, allowing the creation of an academic community.


To disclose the scientific production, the educational experiences and the works of professors' projects, investigators and other professionals in topics related with the development of the chemical engineering.


Revista Tecnologia Quimica has the purpose of motivating the specialists to develop and to perfect the investigations and to give solution to the problems, as well as to increase the knowledge in the branches that occupy them.


• Institutional responsibility

1. Declaration. When information is published in the Journal Tecnologia Quimica for the public access, it has to exist a clear responsibility for that content.
2. Reason. Revista Tecnologia Quimica takes the responsibility with the visibility of the scientific production, for what any information that is published always has to have an institutional and professional back, in correspondence with the established mission.
3. Implications. The documents, images or any resource that it is published in the journal and that represents to any entity it should accompany in the best possible measure, for an identification of the responsible organization, of the person or of those responsible for that entity and of the published information.

Support, validity and maintenance of the information and the services

1. Declaration. It is important that the information that becomes public in the Revista Tecnologia Quimica for the users, be appropriately supported, maintained and validated by the responsible organization.
2. Reason. The authors should assure the integrity and authenticity of the information that is published in the journal, so that it represents the information of their organization appropriately and the politicians and effective regulations are completed.
3. Implications. To guarantee this principle, it should be looked after the execution of the social object and to use the institutional spaces to evaluate and to authorize the publication.

To file

This journal uses the program LOCKSS to create a storage system distributed among the participant libraries and it allows the creation of permanent files in the journal with conservation ends and restoration.

Publication frequency

Revista Tecnologia Quimica publishes a year a volume divided in three numbers, in accordance with a lasting four months rhythm (January-April, May-August and September-December). It also publishes special numbers requested with a year of advance and generally linked with scientific congresses related with the thematic axes of the journal

Declaration ethical and bad practice in the publication

The editorial team of RevistaTecnologia Quimica is committed to guarantee the ethics and quality of the published articles, starting from the behavior code and good practical that the International Committee of Ethics in the Scientific Publication (ICESP) defines for editors of scientific journals. Being this way, the authors, and referees and responsible for the journal should complete the duties and rights that next are detailed:

Of the authors


1. To give their manuscripts to publish previously adapted to the instructions to the author.
2. To present their articles based on observations or honest revisions and to assume the public responsibility for their content.
3. To wait the results of the arbitration during the foreseen time for it.
4. To send the articles not modified after keeping in mind the suggestions of the referees and editors in a term bigger than 7 days.
5. To accept the impartiality and the experts' honesty designated for the evaluation of the articles.
6. To go to the publishing boss of the journal in writing to communicate their considerations related with the arbitration process.

1. It is allowed and it recommends the authors to diffuse through Internet the evaluated version and accepted of the works before their publication (post print), since it favors their circulation and earlier diffusion.
2. To protect the diffusion open of contents and to avoid their lucrative exploitation, the authors sign or they accept the corresponding formats and conditions electronically to give the distribution rights and reproduction from the materials to third.
3. THE author gives to the journal the rights of the published works, what authorizes for:
• To reproduce the article as well as their translated version, adapted or resumed, total or partially, and to put it to the public's disposition in printed or electronic form, combine or not with works of third, with on-line access or outside of line.
• “To reproduce the article by means of reprography, without damage of the legal limitations.

Of the referees


1. To revise the content of the articles in the biggest possible brevity that doesn't exceed of 15 skilled days.
2. To consult the state of the art in the thematic one to evaluate the originality of the assigned manuscripts.
3. To give up the arbitration of any scientific document if some conflict of interests with their author(s) main (relate personal, academic or other rivalry) it can prejudicial their valuation on the content.
4. Not to use the information contained in the works arbitrated to favor their own demands before being published.
5. To respect the author (a rights), that which includes not to discuss, neither to comment the content of the unpublished articles or the result of their arbitration openly.
6. To indicate clearly on what they consist the suggested modifications or the approaches sustained to reject the work.

1. To receive the digital drafts without crossing outs neither arrangements and accompanied by the official pattern for the evaluation of the content.
2. To reject the works those have not been formally correspondents for the publishing boss.
3. To stay informed about any variation or novelty in the instructions to the authors.
4. To revise the arbitrated article subject to modifications again, in order to corroborate if they were taken into account their approaches.

Of those responsible for the journal


1. To revise the article received before to give it to the referee and to return it to the author formally if it doesn't complete the established requirements.
2. To guarantee the revision opened up for even, of the works that are adjusted to the established norms.
3. To consult to the author(s) all the doubts, restlessness or substantial modifications to the content, arisen during the editorial process.
4. To surrender directly to the author(s) the results of the arbitration
5. To process the publication in the journal Tecnologia Quimica of the works approved by the referees and the editorial committee.
6. To emit the official perseverance of publication exceptionally in steps, due to urgent necessities of scientific or educational interest.

1. To reject works that considers inadequate, to propose modifications of the text, to eliminate charts and figures, to improve the style and to suppress the linguistic incorrectness, always respecting the content and having the author's previous acceptance when it is considered necessary.
2. To move away of the number in edition of the journal and to locate it in other, to the article whose author doesn't complete certain fact not requested in a term bigger than 72 hours.
3. THE EDITOR commits to respect the author's moral rights and, in consequence, to maintain the integrity of the information, preserving of mutilations or modifications different to the necessary ones for the publication of the work that generate imprecision’s or attempt against the image of the journal or the author.

Conflict of interests

The public trust in the evaluation process for even and the credibility of the published articles depends partly how they are the conflicts of interests before and during the editorial process. A conflict of interests exists when an author (or the institution to which belongs), reviewer or editor present personal or financial relationships that can interfere or to influence on their trials in connection with the preparation, evaluation or publication of a manuscript. If a conflict of interests exists in anyone of the actors: authors, referees or editors, it should be informed the director of the journal in writing immediately. The conflicts related with the protection of the intellectual property already referred, they are subject to the discretional of the competent Cuban authority by virtue of the effective legislation in the Republica de Cuba.

Performance procedure before anomalous behaviors

The complaints and reclamations that the different ones interested can say for performances that were considered incorrect and contrary to the principles that inspire this Declaration of Ethics and bad practice, they will be presented to the Editorial Committee of Revista Tecnologia Quimica, or in their case to the publishing boss, in the moment in that it take place. The interested should contribute all information. It has at your disposal to be able to facilitate the information that is necessary, the Editorial Committee of RTQ will value the measures to take, deciding in each case the form adapted in that it will be prepared to the authors of the bad practice and the repercussions of this behavior in the future relationship with the same ones.

Cost of Publication of Articles

In RevistaTecnologia Quimica the arbitration, edition and publication of the contributions are completely gratuitous for the authors. Commercial or lucrative use of any type doesn't exist, neither is it accepted or it houses publicity of any product, person or service that it is mentioned.

Content licenses

This work is low international Creative Commons licenses Recognition-No Commercial- Without Derived Works 4.0.
The journal provides an immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that to offer the public an access free to the investigations help to a bigger global exchange of knowledge. The journal responds to the license Creative Commons type DC-BY-NC-ND. That is to say, you are free of sharing, to copy and to redistribute the material in any means or format; whenever it completes the following terms:
- You should give credit in an appropriate way, to offer a connection to the license, and to indicate if they have been carried out changes. It can make in any reasonable form, but not in such way that it suggests that you or their use have the support of the licentiate.
- You cannot make use of the material with commercial purposes.
- If mix, transforms or believe starting from the material, it cannot distribute the modified material.

Politics of Plagiarism

• The authors are responsible for the opinions that express in their works and they should guarantee that the articles are original and that they have not been subjected to consideration of other publications. In the same way, they assume the responsibility that in the signatory authors those people that have carried out a contribution intellectually only figure important to the development of the work.
• The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) considers that the plagiarism includes the robbery so much, as the undue appropriation of intellectual property and the textual copy not attributed substantial of the work of another person. "The robbery or the undue appropriation of the intellectual property it includes the not authorized use of ideas or unique methods obtained by means of a privileged communication, like a grant or a hand written revision."
• The entirety of the articles received in Revista Tecnologia Quimica is verified before by the editors and during its publication process, by means of the use of the free software Plagiarisms. The same one can detect the plagiarism in more than 190 languages, it uses different search motors and it supports a great number of extensions of documents.
• The reviewers and members of the Editorial Committee equally can detect the occurrence of this bad practice.
• If some plagiarism type is detected during its revision and prosecution (5-20%), the author will be notified and the article will be modified. On the other hand, if it is bigger than 20% the author(s) it should send it with the new modifications.
• It is requested the readers to inform to the Editorial Committee of RTQ in the event of plagiarism detection, sending to the electronic mail address:, the title of the article, name(s) of the author (s), volume, number and year of publication.
• Revista Tecnologia Quimica doesn't foment any plagiarism form, for what we recommend to revise the content of their article before sending it, as well as the detailed care of the use of the citations and bibliographical references.


Information Services

The articles publish in Revista Tecnología Química are indexed or resume by:
• Scientific Electronic Library Online- SCIELO
• Directori Open Acces Journal - DOAJ
• Redalyc - Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal
• Latindex - Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
• CLASE- profile of a bibliographic database-Redalyc
• SHERPA/ROMEO- Rights MEtadata for Open archiving
• REDIB - Iberoamerican network of innovation and scientific knowledge
• MIAR- Information Matrix for Journal Analysis
• European reference index for the humanities and social sciences-ERIHPLUS
• Latin American Network of Magazines - LATINREV
• Academic search engine-Refseek
• Google Scholar
• Ministry of Science, Technology and EnvironmentCITMA




The publication of the journal is financed for:
- Universidad de Oriente - UO
- Facultad de Ingieneria Quimica y Agronomia (FIQA).


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