ISSN 2224-6185
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Scope and policy

Reach and editorial politics

As part of the send process is forced to check that their shipment completes all the elements that are shown next. They will be returned to the author/s those send that don't complete these guidelines. The journal considers the articles coming from servants preprints, as well as with the opening of the data and of breaking wind open review The send should not be had subjected previously to consideration for any other journal. The politics of publication of the Journal Tecnologia de Quimica (RTQ) embraces to all the professionals of the superior education, the science and the technology, with the purpose of communicating the results of their scientific productions and technological contributions, whenever they complete the effective author's instructions and their articles are approved, as well as to consent to the same one for the administration of information and the scientific collaboration. Journal Tecnologia Quimica (RTQ) has the purpose of motivating the specialists to develop and to perfect the investigations and to give solution to the problems, as well as to increase the knowledge in the branches that occupy them.

Political of section

The Journal Tecnologia Quimica privileges the publication of original articles and of revision, result of unpublished scientific investigations that are characterized by a rigorous investigative methodology, with significant contributions in the areas of the knowledge already specified, as well as short articles, those which, although they have smaller extension, they should have the same scientific rigor that the original articles. The Editorial Committee of the Journal Tecnologia Quimica is reserved the right of publishing the articles that it considers of interest, to suggest the most appropriate form for the new presentation, to reject a manuscript for not fulfilling the publication norms, not to be of interest of the journal that the topic is approached, not to fulfill the scientific approaches or another difficulty that it is presented. The decision on the part of the Editorial Committee is inappealable. The politics of publication of the Journal Tecnologia Quimica (RTQ) it embraces to all the professionals of the superior education, the science and the technology, with the purpose of communicating the results of their scientific productions and technological contributions, whenever they complete the effective author's instructions and their articles are approved, as well as to consent to the same one for the administration of information and the scientific collaboration. That allows the exchange of knowledge and experiences through their content.

Politics of open access

• The Journal Tecnologia de Quimica provides an Open and immediate Access to their content, based on the principle of offering the public a gratuitous access and free to the investigations, what contributes to a bigger global exchange of the knowledge. It is possible to consent to their content in a free and universal way, without cost some for the reader, through Internet or any other means. • According to this politics of open access, the Journal Tecnologia de Quimica is published under a license CreativeCommons type DC-BY-NC-ND. That is to say, it is free of sharing, to copy and to redistribute the material in any means or format, whenever it completes the following terms:
1. Credit in an appropriate way should be given, to offer a connection to the license, and to indicate if they have been carried out changes. It can make it in any reasonable form, but not in such way that suggests that you or their use have the support of the licentiate.
2. It should not make use of the material with commercial purposes.
3. If you mix, transforms or believe starting from the material, it won't be able to distribute the modified material.
• The journal at the moment is welcomed like part of the requirements of the collection Scielo-Cuba to the servants preprint.
• Opening insofar as possible their editorial flow to a continuous publication, what allows to accelerate the process of communication of the investigations and this way to facilitate the disposition of the same ones for the user, for their reading and citation.
• It promotes the opening of the investigation data and it invites the authors to place openly and to index the data that it considers in their investigation, so that they can be shared and reutilized, what facilitates the transparency and credibility.

Types of articles

The articles that are sent to the journal can be:
Original: Taxes in those that are described and discuss the results of works of I+D or of industrial experiences of interest. Maximum extension 15 pages and not more than 5 authors. They should have more than 10 bibliographical references.

Short articles
They are works of smaller extension but with the same scientific rigor that the original articles are a brief but complete description of an investigation of processes affinity to chemical engineering and engineering of foods; it contains the preliminary or partial results of the same one that require of a quick popularization. It doesn't surpass the four (4) pages.

Articles of Revision
The document result of a finished investigation where they are analyzed, they systematize and they integrate the results of published investigations or not published, have more than enough processes affinity to chemical engineering and engineering of foods, with the purpose of giving bill of the advances and the development tendencies. They are characterized to present a careful bibliographical revision of at least 50 references. The manuscripts should not exceed the 25 pages including charts, figures, diagrams, etc. Once received the articles are sent the designated reviewers, according to their thematic one and the revision process begins for even.

Revision process for even

The process begins with the sent of the work for the author or the authors in electronic version. The articles, on line should be sent the URL of the place of the journal The articles are evaluated initially to check if they fulfill the writing norms and profile of the journal, as well as if it possesses originality and the level demanded for the same one, later they pass to the arbitration process. The journal has established the revision politics for even external, in confidential and anonymous way, blind double. The editor and the referees will have special attention in that the arbitration process the ethical norms are completed and don't exist conflicts of interests. They participate in the evaluation 2 referees. In the event of discrepancy among the reports of both referees will be appealed at a third. The Editorial Committee of the journal is reserved the right of rejecting the articles that it doesn't judge appropriate for its publication. Each referee will emit a report about the convenience or not of his publication; this report will be taken in consideration by the Editorial Committee for the publication or not of the article. The referees can recommend to the Editorial Committee that the article is:

-Accepted with modifications: The author has a term of 15 days to send a new version with the proposed corrections, past this term, if nose has received the new version, the Editorial Committee it will consider refused the article.


Indispensable aspects for the acceptance of the presented works:

- Correspondence with the thematic of the magazine.
- Originality, novelty or validity of the work that it intends.
- Quality of the study of the state of the art.
- Quality of the content of the work.
- Quality of the exhibition in their structure and writing.
- Present time and importance of the bibliographical references.
- Execution of the established writing norms for the journal.

The fundamental reasons for the rejection of a work will be:

- - Absence of originality.
- Poor scientific strength.
- Insufficient study of the state of the art.
- It is not reliable the methods and used procedures.
- Poor bibliographical references in quantity, quality or value and present time.
Once finished the revision process is communicated the authors the final result. The estimate time for the evaluation process and publication of the articles, oscillates between the 3 and 6 months.

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest takes place when any secondary aspect to the primary interest (publication of an article), it can cut the generation of a complete manuscript (either of investigation or not) and its quality. If there are not conflicts of interests, it should be specified: "The authors express that there are not conflicts of interests in the presented manuscript". The same one should be placed at the end of each article and after the bibliographical references respecting the language in that the article is presenting.

The authors' contribution

The investigation tasks are indicated carried out by each author in the article, such as, the conception of the investigation, realization of the experimental part, statistical analysis, making or revision of the manuscript, among others. To keep in mind the language in that the article is presented. The employment of the Taxonomy of the lists of the taxpaying CRediT is recommended (Contributor Lists Taxonomy) that it endows of more transparency the collaboration among authors and it allows to clarify each author's contribution in the publication. This taxonomy distributes the participation lists in 14 typologies: conceptualization, cure of data, formal analysis, acquisition of funds, administration of the project, investigation, methodology, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, and writing of the original draft and lastly the writing (revision and edition). This identification will be made exclusively for the investigation articles. The editor is reserved the right of making the corresponding modifications of style Royalties

Author’s rights

When remitting a work, the authors consent to their rights on the same one that are transferred to the journal, provided the one mentioned work is accepted for their publication. These royalties cover the rights exclusively to reproduce and to distribute the article in any support and the translations of the same one. The authors will accept that the journal assumes as his the principles of the open access, reason for which is published without ends of lucre, with the only objective of contributing to the scientific development. The published originals are property of the Address of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Universidad de Oriente, being necessary to mention the origin in any partial or total reproduction

Declaration of privacy

The names and electronic mail addresses introduced in this journal will be used exclusively for the ends declared by this journal and they won't be available for any other purpose or another person.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Orientations on the format of presentation of the articles
The works will be presented in papers of format letter with margins of 3 cm, and with pages foliated consecutively, letters Arial 12, spacing 1.5.The same ones will consist, according to the requirement or matter that it is of:
Title : :( Spanish - English or vice versa and Portuguese - Español): Reflective in a clear and concise way the content of the article, avoiding the abbreviations and it should not exceed of 15 words. These titles should only be with uppercase, centered initial letter and in letter Arial 14, the title in the main language should be in boldface, The date in the work has been a correspondent.
Information about authors: It should figure the complete name and last names of each one of the authors of the work; in the order in that it wants itself that they appear. The last names should be separated by an intermediate script, electronic mail, county and country, besides the date of send of the work. It is obligatory to include the electronic address corresponding to the number the authors' ORCID, which one can acquire consenting to the place They are accepted alone up to five authors in the works; it should also appear the department or institution to which the authors belong, electronic mail address (e-mail) of the author designated for it.
Resume in Spanish and English or portugues that don’t exceed the 250 words, with key words in the two languages. 12 points. The Resume will indicate the main objectives and the reach of the investigation, to describe the used methods and to resume the results. To enunciate the main conclusions of the work. Avoid the abbreviations and references, it is edited in a single paragraph and it is written in past. At the end of the resume the words key will be included (of 3 at 5), in Spanish and English that will be written in order of priority, they will describe the content of the article and to facilitate their inclusion in indexes. They can be combined words or short sentences, all are written in lower-case
Introduction:To expose first, with all the possible clarity, the nature and the reach of the investigated problem; to revise the pertinent publications to guide the reader on the state of the art of the thematic one that is, indicating the objective of the work in a clear and precise way. The word Introduction should be in boldface, centered and 16 points.

Theoretical foundation. It can be included in the introduction. Size 16, boldface and centered,
Used methods and experimental conditions: All kinds of details should be given on the design of the investigation, including the antecedents and the limitations. Most of this section should be written in past. The main purpose is to describe (and should the need arise, to defend) the experimental design, and to give enough details then so that a competent investigator can repeat the experiments. With regard to the materials, it is necessary to include the technical specifications and the exact quantities, as well as the origin or the preparation method. Size 16, boldface and centered.
Results and their discusión. It is the logical presentation of the results that demonstrate the true contribution of the work, with a detail that justifies the conclusions. The previous parts, Introduction, Materials and Methods are good to explain why and how the results are obtained. Use charts and figures for their explanation. The results should be edited in past, in a brief and simple way. It should be the shortest section, avoid the redundancy. In the discussion, they are analyzed and they interpret the results, their meaning, achievements and limitations, it stands out the novel aspects of the study their practical applications and the conclusions that are derived of them, define the non resolved aspects. If it is necessary it can propose recommendations. Puntaje16, boldface and centered
Conclusions. Sea, edit its conclusions in the possible clearer way. They should be in agreement with the objectives of the work. Puntaje16, boldface and centered Nomenclature. Puntaje16, boldface and centered. The nomenclature can leave presenting preferably as they appear in the development of the work. You index bibliographical. Norms ISO 690 2010. Size 16, boldface and centered. In the case of the bibliographical references they should be enumerated manually, it cannot use the automatic numeric clever option of the Word.

Orientations for the use of the Norms ISO 690 - 2010
General averages for the writing of the bibliographical references
1. The data to edit the references will take from the original document to which refer and will be extracted mainly of the cover. The extracted data of a source different to the own document will put on among brackets.
2. Person's names can be abbreviated only putting the initials.
3. In the case of anonymous works, the first element of the reference will be the title.
4. If the author is an entity the name of the same, such it will be indicated and like he appears in the source.
5. To write the title, the use approach will be respected of uppercase of the language in the one that one gives the information.
6. The subtitles can be included after the title, separated by two points and space
7. If in the document any date doesn't appear we can give an approximate date (prefixing the abbreviation of circa). Example: ca. 1957.
8. If the publication presents two or three authors with the same status all they should be included in the reference. The first author's name should appear following the pattern of LAST NAMES, Name. The rest of authors can appear, if it wants itself, in direct order.
Next, it is explained, with more detail and with some examples, the form of editing the bibliographical references of some types of documents. The punctuation and the typographic style that are indicated are only given by way of sample


The references of monographs and printed books will contain the following elements: These references are elaborated following the following general outline: LAST NAMES, Name. Title of the book in italic. Edition. Publication place: editorial, year. Normalized badge (ISBN, etc.). Example:
DERNIE, David. I draw in architecture: technical, types, places. Barcelona: Blume, 2010. ISBN 978-84-9801-488-4. It will only be necessary to consign the edition in case it is not the first one

Chapters of monographs, entrances of reference works and taxes to congresses.

The bibliographical references of a part of a monograph (the chapter of a book, a communication to some records of a congress, etc.) they will contain the following elements: These references are carried out according to the following general outline: LAST NAMES, Name. Title of the part. In: Name LAST NAMES, Title of the work in italic. Edition. Publication place: editorial, year, range of pages. Normalized identification (ISBN, etc.). Example
PEDRAZUELA SOURCE, M. The Institute of Philology of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. In: Alonso Zamora Vicente: life and philology. San Vicente of the Raspeig: Publications of the Universidad de Alicante, 2010, pp. 233-266. ISBN 978-84-9717-066-6. Doctoral thesis and works of end of studies in printed format not published The references follow the following general outline: LAST NAMES, Name. Title of the work in italic. Class of unpublished thesis. Academic institution in which is presented. Place, year. Example SEVILLE RUIZ, D. Development of the pattern of distributed components CorbaLightweightComponents (CORBA-LC). Unpublished doctoral Thesis. A. F. Gómez Eskarmeta and J. M. García Carrasco (dir.). Universidad de Murcia, 2008

Doctoral thesis and works of end of studies in printed format not published

The references follow the following general outline: LAST NAMES, Name. Title of the work in italic. Class of unpublished thesis. Academic institution in which is presented. Place, year. SEVILLE RUIZ, D. Development of the pattern of distributed components CorbaLightweightComponents (CORBA-LC). Unpublished doctoral Thesis. A. F. Gómez Eskarmeta and J. M. García Carrasco (dir.). Universidad de Murcia, 2008
The place is only necessary if it is not implicit in the name of the institution. If the thesis, dissertation, etc. has been published the bibliographical reference it will correspond to the outline that is continued for a monograph.

Articles of printed journals

The references will be elaborated of agreement with the following outline: LAST NAMES, Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italic. Place: Editor, publication date, volume (number), range of pages. ISSN. Example
KELCHTERMANS, G. Teacher vulnerability: Understanding its moral and political roots. Cambridge Journal of Education. Cambridge: University. Faculty of Education. 1996, 26(3), pp. 307-323. ISSN 0305-764X. Remember
In the description of seriate publications , the term "volume" or their abbreviation ("vol.", v".) and the terms of smaller parts "number" or their abbreviation ("núm"., "n".) they can be omitted, distinguishing the volume typographically in boldface and the number - if there is him - among parenthesis. 26(3) Example


The references are elaborated of agreement with the following general outline: LAST NAMES, Name/ENTITY (Regular or applicant of the patent). Title of the patent. The inventor's N. LAST NAMES (in case the inventor is not the applicant). Publication Date. Name or code of the country. Application date. Official appointment of the series in which the patent is numbered. Classification. Example
UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE. Device of incorporation of preservatives solid insoluble pulverulent to the tobacco. RICH BELTRÁN, M. I. et to the one. March 20 2013. ES1078301 (AND). IPC: A24B15/18. Application of European patent ES20120000725U 20120806. European office of patents.
If in the reference is not clear the nature of the resource, it should be mentioned that it is a patent.

Books in electronic format

The bibliographical references of the books in electronic support (CDROM and DVD) they are elaborated according to the following outline: LAST NAMES, N. Title of the books in italic [appointment of the support]. Edition. Place: editor dates. Normalized badge. Additional information will be added in the most appropriate place. Example
LAU, J. international Guidelines for the informative literacy [on-line]. Mexico: Universidad Veracruzana. [Consulted 13 September 2012]. Available in:

Journals in electronic format

The bibliographical references of the journals in electronic format (CD-ROM and DVD) they are elaborated according to the following outline: Title of the journal in italic [appointment of the support]. Place: editor dates. Normalized badge. Another additional information will be added in the most appropriate place. Example:
Archaeological annual of Andalusia [CD-ROM]. Seville: Meeting of Andalusia. Council of Culture, 2003. ISSN 2171-2174. Remember:
In the case of seriate publications, if different editions are published in different countries, the publication country should be mentioned after the title Data bases in electronic format.

Articles of electronic journals

LThe references of the articles of electronic journals are elaborated of agreement with the following outline: LAST NAME(S), Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italic. Year of the fascicle in that is included the article, volume and/or number of the fascicle in that article, first and last pages of the article is included. [It dates of consultation: day month year]. ISSN. Readiness and access Example:
DÍAZ - NOCI, Javier. Media in Internet: some tendencies. The professional of the information [on-line]. 2010, November-December, 19 (6). 561 - 567. [Consulted 13 September 2012]. ISSN 1386-6710. DOI: 10.3145/epi.2010.nov.01


The bibliographical references of the databases in electronic format are elaborated according to the following outline: ENTITY / LAST NAMES, N. Title of the database [appointment of the support]. Edition. Publication place: editor. Publication date. Temporary covering (year of beginning-year of finalization). Another additional information that will be added in the most appropriate place. Example
BLACKSMITH MEDIAVILLA Victor, dir. IBEPI: Biographical index of Spain, Portugal and Iberoamérica [CD-ROM]. 3ª ed. corrected and increased. München: K.G.Saur, 1997.

Places web

The bibliographical references of places web are elaborated according to the following outline: LAST NAMES, N. / ENTITY. Title of the place web in italic [on-line]. Editor dates. [it dates of consultation]. Readiness and access. Additional information that will be added in the most appropriate place. Example:
Institutional repository of the Universidad de Alicante [on-line]. [Consulted 11 September 2012]. Available in: / The bibliographical references of parts of a place web are elaborated according to the following outline: LAST NAMES, N. Title of the part of the place web. In: Title of the place web in italic [on-line]. Place: editor, dates [it dates of consultation]. Readiness and access. Another additional information that will be added in the most appropriate place Example:
LIBRARY OF AUTHOR MANUEL ALVAR. In: Virtual library Miguel de Cervantes [on-line]. Alicante: Foundation Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes, 2014. [it consults: November 17 2014]. Available in: /


ENTITY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NORM. Title, number or code of the norm. Edition. Publication place: editorial, year of publication. Example
AENOR. Administration of the I+D+I. It UNITES 166000 FORMER, it UNITES 166001 FORMER, it UNITES 166002 FORMER. Madrid: AENOR, 2002.


LAST NAME(S), Name. Title of the book. Mention of secondary responsibility (translator; prologues; illustrator; coordinator; etc.) *. Edition Nº. Edition place: editorial, year of edition. Nº of pages *. Series *. Notes *. ISBN Examples:
BOBBIO, Norberto. Autobiography. Papuzzi, Alberto (ed. lit.); Fish-beard, Gregorio (prol.); Benítez, Esther (trad.). Madrid: Taurus, 1988. 299 p. ISBN: 84-306-0267-4 The Guide of Tormes. Marañón, Gregorio (prol.). 10a ed. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1958. 143 p. Southern collection; 156.

Parts of a book

LAST NAME(S), Name. "Title of the part". In: Responsibility of the complete work. Title of the work. Edition. Edition place: editorial, year of edition. Situation of the part in the work. Examples:
SNAVELY, B.B. "Continuous-Wave Dye lasers I". In: SCHÄFER, F.P. (ed). Dyelasers. Berlin: Springer, 1990. p. 91-120. TEROL ESTEBAN, Alberto. "The new model of autonomous financing: an approach from the manager-taxpayer's point of view". Dins: XX Anniversary of the Circle of Managers, 20 topics for the future. Madrid: Circle of Managers, 1997. p. 85-92.




Sending of manuscripts

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