The training of future philologists combines integrated learning, the simultaneous formation of professional and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language, and the expansion of general, philological, and cultural worldviews with an emphasis on stimulating cognitive processes, intelligence, ability, and readiness for social activity (Zhang et al., 2020; Bochkareva et al., 2020). The solution of these tasks requires the introduction of new educational methods and technologies corresponding to the humanitarian and technical development of society. These novelties will contribute to the development of the student’s personality and stimulate their cognitive and communicative activity, critical thinking, and readiness to consciously and independently determine the purpose of their activities, plan achievements, comprehend and discuss the results, and use them in practice.
In the scientific and methodological literature, the solution of this task is often associated with the strengthening of the interactive component of the learning process, where interactivity is understood as a speech, communicatively personal and practical interaction serving as the communication base. The latter acts as a mechanism and basis for personally and professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language.
Thus, interactive learning is an important factor in improving the efficiency and quality of philological education. Its technologies, forms, and techniques contribute to a better understanding and strong assimilation of the phenomena of a foreign language and culture, provide a stable connection of visual and auditory images, support a high level of cognitive, emotional, and speech activities of students, and allow to model professional activity and develop professional qualities (Elovskaya & Chernyaeva, 2019).
In the modern world, the educational community is paying more attention to the forms and technologies of distance learning. Therefore, the spectrum of forms and interactive learning technologies is constantly expanding due to the rapid development of information and computer technologies.
Among researchers, there is no unified understanding of interactive learning defined as learning based on the interaction of students with the learning environment within the experience being mastered (Marzuki et al., 2016); learning based on the psychology of human relationships and interactions (Budnik, 2023); learning as a general process of cognition, where knowledge is acquired in joint activities through dialogue or polylogue between students and the teacher (Gorbanyova, 2016); learning based on the direct interaction of students with the learning environment, with the latter acting as a reality in which participants find their sphere of experience, and the student’s experience is the core of learning knowledge (Gapsalamov et al., 2020). In this regard, the term “interactive learning” correlates with the concept of productive educational interaction as a purposeful joint educational activity of the teacher and students that contributes to the subjectivity of students, their personal growth, and the creation and improvement of their educational product. Interactive learning is a constant active interaction during joint educational and practical activities which solves the three following tasks:
Describing the features of interactive learning, we should highlight that its psychological basis is the social interaction of people, their interpersonal communication, and the ability to feel empathy, adequately interpret the situation, and plan their actions. Ovezova (2017), emphasizes that interactive learning in a foreign language involves dialogue learning, during which participants of the educational process interact with each other. The interactive learning of a foreign language is that the educational process occurs during the constant and active interaction of all participants (teachers and students).
This is mutual learning (collective, group, and collaborative) where the student and the teacher are equal subjects of learning (Ovezova, 2017). In interactive learning, the teacher performs the function of an assistant, a source of information, and students interact, stimulate, and activate each other. When using interactive teaching methods, the greatest impact on intellectual activity is exercised by positive, constructive competition which manifests itself when students collectively search for the truth. Some scholars focus on the technical means of interactive learning: in particular, they define interactive teaching tools as associated with the use of information and computer technologies for organizing communication in teaching foreign languages (Tuma, 2021).
Scholars agree that interactivity presupposes continuous communication and personal interaction between the teacher and students in the learning process. Interactive learning is generally considered a means of simultaneous learning, cognition, and communication. These are realized in the form of joint activities, where all participants in the educational process interact, exchange information, jointly solve problems, simulate situations, evaluate their behavior and actions of interlocutors, and are immersed in real business cooperation using various means of training and interaction, in particular, information and communications technologies.
We agree that interactive interaction in the educational process should be intellectually rich, meaningful, problem-oriented, and aimed at joint active learning and the development of critical thinking as a constructive intellectual activity and conscious rational perception of information and its assimilation.
Based on this, we propose the following interpretation of the concept of interactive learning of foreign languages: this is a special form of organizing educational and cognitive activities in a foreign language lesson, in which a small group of students (four-eight people) jointly solve a specific problem (educational and communicative, problem-based or person-oriented task), being in active interaction and positive interdependence and working in the conditions of mutual support.
Interactive learning has great educational and developmental potential in the professional training of future philologists. In modern educational programs, training is considered a means of modeling life and professional situations, problems, and tasks and preparing for their solution in the future. Therefore, students must acquire a certain life and professional experience in the learning process. Interactive learning provides for the formation of new experiences, which makes it advisable to constantly change the forms and modes of activity (professional games, discussions, projects, etc.; work in small groups of different structures and number of participants). Complex theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, and the experience of students are a source of mutual learning, which increases the motivation and productivity of learning (Soekamto et al., 2022). Foreign language teaching as a methodological phenomenon is implemented through the introduction of appropriate teaching technologies. We interpret the concept of interactive learning technologies as a set of methods, means, and forms of training, ensuring active interaction between participants in the educational process based on cooperation and co-creation and aimed at achieving the didactic goals set (Gorbanyova, 2016).
Based on this definition, we understand the technology of interactive teaching of foreign languages as follows: it is a holistic integrative system of the learning process built on interactive learning, a set of teaching techniques which, under the educational objectives set, provides for wider use of interactive techniques, tools. and forms of teaching foreign languages, selected according to the principles of communicativeness, feasibility, and mutual complementarity to achieve a pre-planned (desired) educational result.
Thus, interactive learning technology can be regarded as a certain system of cognitive and communicative tasks that integrate the formation of various professional competences. Its technologies are sometimes based on the use of technical means or can be implemented using these technical means (information websites, web quests, multimedia presentations, interactive communication and training platforms, authentic films and TV series, etc.).
Authentic series belong to the group of modern teaching aids that are considered particularly effective in teaching foreign languages. They emotionally and intellectually influence students, meet their interests, and serve as a source of new interesting information, a means of expanding their worldview and gaining new experience, and a strong positive stimulus in the educational process (Zakharova et al., 2019).
However, some pressing issues of unlocking the potential of authentic series in the training of future philologists remain unattended. According to some scholars, this teaching tool is not always used systematically, completely, and comprehensively (Mirvan, 2015). It is often considered only a source of specific educational material and/or a means of developing a certain aspect of communicative competence in a foreign language (enrichment of vocabulary, development of speech skills, etc.) (Goldstein, 2017).
In this connection, scholars insist on the integrated use of authentic series as a specific communication and teaching tool that provides a unique opportunity to study a foreign language and culture through linguistic means and socio-cultural information and form professional communicative and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language.
Thus, the article aims at determining the effectiveness of using authentic TV series as an educational tool for the comprehensive development of professional communicative and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language among future philologists.
In accordance with the design of interactive learning technologies using authentic series in the training of future philologists, we selected a qualitative approach to research.
The data were collected in the period from December 20, 2023 to February 20, 2024 through an analysis of scientific literature on the research topic.
At the first stage of the research, we selected sources of information necessary to achieve the research objective. The data for this study are presented in monographs and articles found using such key phrases as “foreign language”, “interactive learning”, “interactive learning technologies”, “authentic video materials”, “authentic series”, and “linguo-cultural competence”. We searched for the key phrases in English and Russian in titles, abstracts, and keywords. Based on the analysis of these sources, we determined the main provisions of the technology of interactive learning using authentic series in the training of future philologists.
At the second stage, we developed the “Viewing room” interactive learning technology and described its possibilities for the integrated formation of professional communicative and linguo-cultural competences of future philologists in a foreign language, including criteria and principles for selecting speakers and fragments, the stages and content of work on the implementation of the “Viewing room” technology, and an indicative set of exercises developed using this technology.
The results of the study are the development of the “Viewing room” technology and the possibilities of its use for the integrated professional communicative and linguo-cultural competence of future philologists in a foreign language.
According to Timoshchenko (2020), different types of films are used in the educational process: feature films, documentaries, popular science movies, animation films, and educational films. These can be fragments lasting several minutes, or entire movies.
It is advisable to implement the “Viewing room” technology in training future philologists based on authentic series (TV and animated), or more precisely, a complex of selected and organized fragments of such series for viewing. Due to a powerful motivational, stimulating, reference, and aesthetic potential, series are a valuable teaching tool that evokes an emotional reaction, has a positive effect on students’ assimilation of socio-cultural and linguistic material and its inclusion in their speech experience, and motivates its use in speech (Romanovskaya, 2016).
We define the “Viewing room” technology in the training of future philologists as a technology that corresponds to the characteristics of interactive learning and is based on a multi-purpose, structured, and controlled viewing of a fragment from an authentic series. These selected and organized fragments are accompanied by a set of tasks aimed at the integrated formation of professional competences of future philologists (communicative, professional communicative, and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language).
The proposed technology can be implemented in training sessions developed and conducted by students under the guidance of the teacher-methodologist.
When highlighting criteria and principles for selecting authentic series and their fragments for implementing the “Viewing room” interactive learning technology in a training session, we relied on research (Lapina, 2015). As a result, the following criteria and principles for selecting authentic series were determined (Table 1).
No. | Selection criteria |
1 | Movie correspondence to the curriculum topics |
2 | Adequate English speech corresponding to the level of training (standard and easy to understand) |
3 | Relevant content |
4 | Socio-cultural and linguo-cultural value |
5 | Aesthetic potential |
6 | Clear theme and main ideas |
7 | Entertaining plot corresponding to the interests and age characteristics of students |
Selection principles | |
1 | Content value and information richness of the fragment |
2 | Correspondence of information in the fragment to the purpose of the training session |
3 | Thematic focus of the fragment |
4 | Clarity, stylistic adequacy of speech and speech design |
5 | Aesthetic value of the fragment |
Source: Preparation of authors
When identifying the stages of working with fragments of authentic series using the “Viewing room” technology, we also considered the so-called traditional stages of working with video materials (pre-viewing, viewing, post-viewing) (Mikheeva, 2017), the methodology for the step-by-step educational process for working with authentic feature films (Bogdanova, 2015) and stages of working with video materials: 1) preparatory 2) receptive 3) analytical 4) reproductive 5) productive (Sergeeva, 2015).
The relationship between the stages of working with fragments, the stages of interactive learning, and the content of tasks with the corresponding set of exercises for the implementation of the “Viewing room” technology in the training of future philologists is presented in Table 2.
Work stage | Stages of interactive learning | Content |
Pre-viewing | Stimulus stage | Motivation of educational activities, introduction to the topic and training goals (communicative and linguo-cultural aspects in a foreign language), general information about the presented authentic series, overcoming linguistic and socio-cultural difficulties |
Viewing (active screening, demo) | Comprehension stage | From seven to nine blocks of tasks and exercises to develop listening skills and additional target skills (lexical, grammatical, socio-linguistic, socio-cultural) |
Post-viewing | Reflection stage | Formation of oral and written communication skills, development of reflection and self-reflection skills |
Source: Preparation of authors
Let us dwell on the proposed interactive learning technology using a set of exercises developed using the “Viewing room” technology.
Pre-viewing tasks aim at creating a motivational and orientational basis for subsequent speech activity, preparing the viewer for the perception (listening and viewing) of the film with the activation of background knowledge and life experience to overcome language, speech, and socio-cultural difficulties.
The content of such tasks includes the presentation of the topic and methodological commentary on the purpose of the lesson, an introduction to the topic of the series, motivating viewers to become more involved, presenting information on the series, and providing the opportunity to share their forecasts and expectations from the series. Forecasting the content of a series as an important aspect of working on authentic video material can be realized through the following forms of work: summarizing previously received information on the topic or problem; working with the title of the series; quick viewing of the beginning of the series with or without sound; different forms of presenting the main characters of the series, a list of key events; answering preview questions, identifying true/false statements; presentation of (video) comments from the creators of the series, reviews, etc. The techniques are as follows: mind map, brainstorming, different types of forecasts, interviews, associations, etc.
Several tasks can be developed to eliminate difficulties (lexical, grammatical, phonetic, and linguo-cultural). Techniques are as follows: various types of (preferably direct) semantization (definition, interpretation, synonyms, antonyms, etc.), contextual explanation of the meaning of grammatical structures, and visual and phonetic demonstration of important language units, the incorrect understanding of which factors can complicate the perception of episodes.
The stage of active viewing comprises tasks aimed directly at developing listening skills, checking an adequate understanding of the material viewed (at the level of identifying meaningful and semantic information), and improving the target competence (lexical, grammatical, linguo-cultural, etc.). At this stage, it is advisable to use exercises to search for certain information in a fragment of an authentic series, identify linguistic and speech units in the audio sequence, check the understanding of the main content or detailed understanding of the whole content, and use thematic language, speech, and socio-cultural material at the phrase (super-phrasal unity) level in oral communication. Here are some examples of the viewing stage instructions:
To watch a fragment of the series;
To write down synonyms/interpretations for the presented words/phrases;
To explain why the character reacts in a certain way;
To write down the synonyms used in the series for the presented statements in Russian;
To identify the person making certain remarks; answer the questions;
To determine the cause of the conflict in the fragment, etc.
The post-viewing stage is the final stage that invites viewers to express their opinions on the main issues of the series in spoken or written form, improving their speaking and writing skills and developing the skills of reflection and self-reflection. The main objective of these exercises is to stimulate the communicative activity of students based on the presented fragments of authentic series using well-developed lexical and grammatical material. The effectiveness of guidelines used in the viewing process for students’ perception of the fragments is checked. The understanding of the content of the series is monitored.
Let us outline the implementation of the “Viewing room” interactive learning technology for the formation of communicative, professional communicative and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language during a lesson.
The “Viewing room” technology can be generally characterized as a sequence of educational actions for the formation of communicative, professional communicative, and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language during a specially organized training session, in which video materials are used as support (of a semantic nature) and a stimulus for speech activity.
The activities of future philologists during the training session aim at the integrated formation of communicative, professional communicative, and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language.
The goal of a training lesson using the “Viewing room” technology is to improve mandatory listening and speaking skills in a foreign language (monologue, dialogue), additional lexical skills, socio-cultural competences, writing skills, etc.
Work at the pre-viewing and post-viewing stages refers to the entire complex of selected fragments of authentic series.
The content of individual stages correlates with the stages of interactive learning (stimulus stage, comprehension stage, reflection stage).
Tasks aimed at developing communicative and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language make up most exercises in each complex at each stage of work. Examples of tasks are the revision of authentic series, discussion of proposed issues, and expression of opinions on the revised fragment.
The potential of the proposed technology for future philologists is as follows.
From the psychological viewpoint, positive conditions are created for the active and free development of the individual in the process of perception, discussion, and modeling of social interaction and intercultural communication using the “Viewing room” technology in the classroom: students receive an incentive and an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings; each participant in communication remains the focus of attention (Yumashev et al., 2020); personal self-expression becomes more important than demonstrating linguistic knowledge; students are encouraged to think independently and take an active position in communication; interlocutors feel safe from criticism for mistakes; the linguistic material corresponds to the speech capabilities of the speaker; individual errors and random mistakes are considered the educational norm (Lapina, 2015); relationships are built on the principles of pricelessness, non-criticality, and empathy (sympathy and understanding of the experiences of others); the linguistic material corresponds to an individual linguistic design (Bogdanova, 2015).
From the methodological viewpoint, the potential of the “Viewing room” interactive learning technology for future philologists is associated with the parallel integrated formation of 1) a communicative competence in a foreign language, which consists of viewing the selected fragments of authentic series and completing tasks aimed at improving listening skills, lexical skills, socio-cultural competences, etc., as well as discussing the content of such fragments (Mikheeva, 2017, p. 2) a professional and communicative competence in a foreign language, which is associated with modeling the activities of a philologist, developing and conducting training.
In practice, the success of a training session using the “Viewing room” technology is based on the following main factors: the scientific and rational selection of authentic series and fragments; the careful development of a scientifically based set of exercises in compliance with the stages of working with the selected fragments, the preparation of high-quality teaching aids (a set of exercises for students in printed or electronic format, multimedia presentation, etc.), and clear organization of the training session.
Thus, the use of authentic series ensures socially oriented learning of a foreign language, which corresponds to the nature of language as a linguo-cultural phenomenon and as an object of mastery and opens new opportunities for introducing future philologists to cultural and linguistic facts that are worthy of being studied with ethnopsychological characteristics of a particular people. This helps understand possible intercultural interference on the part of listeners, a tolerant and respectful attitude towards different cultural models and, consequently, ideas, norms of life, beliefs, etc. formed on their basis.
A significant advantage of this interactive learning technology for future philologists is that students master educational material in the process of interpersonal interaction at all levels of cognition (knowledge, application, evaluation) in a personality- and activity-oriented manner, which increases the efficiency of conscious assimilation. Within the framework of the “Viewing room” technology, the use of modern authentic TV series in the educational process allows one to achieve all learning goals in an integrated way (practical, developmental, general, educational, professional, and methodological aspects), forming professional communicative and linguo-cultural competences in a foreign language and providing many opportunities for the personal and professional improvement of future philologists.
We see prospects for further research in the theoretical justification, practical development, and experimental testing of the methodology for using the “Viewing room” interactive learning technology in the integrated formation of professional communicative and linguo-cultural competences of future philologists in a foreign language, as well as for creating sets of tasks in accordance with the requirements specified in current curricula.