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Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral

On-line version ISSN 1561-3038


ROJAS LIRANZA, Yamil; PAZ SENDIN, Luisa; ANIAS CALDERON, José  and  ARTEAGA RODRIGUEZ, Carlos. El ronquido como signo clínico. Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr [online]. 2000, vol.16, n.5, pp. 497-501. ISSN 1561-3038.

100 snorers and their relatives were selected at random and surveyed in the municipality of Marianao from October, 1991, to June, 1992, in order to establish the characteristics of snoring and its possible association with arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. Most of the surveyed persons were males (64 %) and white individuals (70 %). The daily snorers (70 %), the subjects with arrhythmic snoring (62,8 %) and those with more than 30 years of evolution (81,8 %) prevailed. A significant predominance of arterial hypertension was observed in men with arrhythmic snoring and sleep disorders (p=0,01). The relationship of these diseases with the drinking and smoking habits was not remarkable. To conclude, snoring is a sign to be considered in the prevention and/or early attention of arterial hypertension and we should know its frequency, time of evolution, rhythm and sleep disorders

Keywords : SNORING [etiology]; SNORING [diagnosis]; SNORING [complications]; SNORING [epidemiology]; HYPERTENSION [complications]; SLEEP DISORDERS.

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