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Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología
On-line version ISSN 1561-3003


Table of contents
Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol vol.50 no.1 Ciudad de la Habana Jan.-Apr. 2012

 ·  To research in the primary care level, a myth or a reality?

        · text in Spanish
 ·  Changes in the nutritional status of adult cuban population from different regions of Cuba
Jiménez Acosta, Santa; Díaz Sánchez, María Elena; García Roche, René G; Bonet Gorbea, Mariano; Wong Ordóñez, Iraida

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Epidemiology of the cardiac sudden death
Ochoa Montes, Luis Alberto; González Lugo, Mileidys; Tamayo Vicente, Nidia D; Gómez de Haz, Héctor J; Correa Azahares, Dennis P; Miguélez Nodarse, Ramón; Fernández-Britto Rodríguez, José E

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Prevalence of recent dengue infection in San Mateo, Anzoategui, Venezuela, 2007-2008
Hoyos Rivera, Antulio; Pérez Rodríguez, Antonio

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Quality control of acid fast bacilli of sputum smears microscopy in tuberculosis provincial reference laboratories in Cuba
Martínez Romero, María Rosarys; García León, Grechen; Sardiña Aragón, Misleidis; Montoro Cardoso, Ernesto

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  A form designed to prevent and to manage the lung cancer in Cuba, 2010
Varona Pérez, Patricia; Torres Barbie, Priscila; Elejalde Larinaga, Angel René; Hernández Caballero, Eduardo Antonio; Neninger Vinageras, Elia; Grupo Especial de Trabajo (GET) para la prevención y manejo del cáncer de pulmón

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Guide of assessment of the medical care in an Ophthalmology center in Venezuela, 2008
Moreira Ríos, Isabel; Fariñas Reinoso, Ana Teresa

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Proposal of indicators for assessment of quality of a subprogram of organ donation for transplantation
Luis Gonzálvez, Isabel Pilar; Michelena Piedra, Juan Carlos; Noriega Bravo, Vivian; Garcés Guillén, Sandra; Álvarez Pérez, Adolfo

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Quality assessment of the biosafety in the "Joaquín Albarrán" Clinical Surgical Hospital, La Habana, 2007
Arnold Domínguez, Yuri; Trimiño Fleitas, Ángel Alberto

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Statistic accessibility for the readers of the Cuban Journal of Hygiene and Epidemiology, 1996-2009
Massip Nicot, Juliette; Soler Cárdenas, Silvio; Torres Vidal, Rosa María

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Fascioliasis, clinical-epidemiological review and diagnosis
Martínez Sánchez, Raydel; Domenech Cañete, Ingrid; Millán Marcelo, Juan Carlos; Pino Santos, Adonis

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Participation educational strategies against smoking by those make health decisions, Camagüey, 2011
Jorlén Galiano, Idalia; Juviel Román, Iraida; Gómez Tejeiro, Niurka; Ramírez Rodríguez, Leonardo; González Almeida, Yamilka; Trumbull Jorlén, Aniocha

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  The passive smoking repercussion in the climateric syndrome
Casado Méndez, Pedro Rafael; Arró Martínez, Yunier; Arias Hernández, Dimit

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Considerations about the first edition of Diploma in Environmental Toxicology, Microbiology and Health Chemistry
Suárez Pita, Maritza; Weng Alemán, Zulia

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish

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