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Revista Cubana de Medicina

On-line version ISSN 1561-302X


ABAD MACHADO, Addis et al. Acné vulgar e inmunidad celular. Rev cubana med [online]. 1996, vol.35, n.3, pp. 164-168. ISSN 1561-302X.

A prospective study of cell-mediated immunity was carried out in 44 patients presenting with acne who were attended at the out patient service of "Calixto García" Hospital during 1992, by the spontaneous rosetting assay and the active roselting formation test with the aim of providing with new elements for elucidating one of the most controversial aspects of the pathogenesis of acne, i.e. the immunological aspect. The spontaneous rosetting formation was found to be below normal values in 64 % of patients, while the active rosething formation showed a normal response in 55 % of cases. There was a significant reduction in the formation of spontaneous and active rosettes related to the severity degree of acne. In patients presenting with acne vulgaris, the cell-mediated immunity seems to be compromized and related to the degrees of severity of the disease, fact that appears to be very important and may lead to new perspectives for the immunologic therapy of this condition.


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