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vol.35 issue3Blastoma pulmonar: Presentación de 1 caso author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Cubana de Medicina

On-line version ISSN 1561-302X


TRUJILLO SALGADO, Jorge Enrique; MARTINEZ TORRES, Atilano  and  MARMOL SONORA, Alexander. Leptospirosis, enfermedad de Weil y falla multiorgánica: Informe de 1 caso. Rev cubana med [online]. 1996, vol.35, n.3, pp. 212-215. ISSN 1561-302X.

The case of a 29-year old patient 27 week's pregnant, admitted to hospital with the diagnosis of adult respiratory distress syndrome of apparent viral cause, is reported. Given the epidemiological history, it was found after performing a proper screening, that the patient was positive to Leptospira canícola infection. The patient presented with severe icterus, acute renal failure with progressive worsening and shock refractory to the use of dopamine, and the use of norepinephrine was required in order to maintain hemodynamics. The adult respiratory distress syndrome was controlled, the shock was reversed, then the liver function improved, and finally, the renal function was recovered. The patient was discharged from hospital after 24 days of hospitalization. During the evolution, she had a spontaneous abortion of a macerated fetus. It was concluded that the syndrome may be a form of presentation of the Weill's syndrome.

Keywords : RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME [complications]; MULTIPLE ORGAN FAI LURE [complications]; PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS; DOPAMINE [adverse effects]; NOREPINEPHRINE [administration & dosage]; LEPTOSPIROSIS [complications]; LEPTOSPIRA CANICOLA [isolation & purification].

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