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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

On-line version ISSN 1561-3119


DURAN MENENDEZ, Raisa; VILLEGAS CRUZ, Déborah; SOBRADO ROSALES, Zeida  and  ALMANZA MAS, Manuel. Factores psicosociales que influyen en el abandono de la lactancia materna. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 1999, vol.71, n.2, pp. 72-79. ISSN 1561-3119.

A prospective study on the giving up of breast feeding in 144 mothers was conducted at the Follow-up Department of the Neonatology Service of the "Enrique Cabrera" General Teaching Hospital, in Havana City, from June, 1994, to December, 1996. The educational level of the parents, occupation, family support, and the anxiety level of the mother were assessed, among others. 59.1 % of the neonates nursed until the first 4 months of life. The objetive of this paper was to determine the psychosocial factors that influenced on the giving up of breast feeding in these mothers. 55.5 % of the studied mothers were 20-29. The giving up of breast feeding was more frequent in the group under 20 and in that over 35. Neither the age nor the educational level of the mother and her husband influenced on the giving up of breast feeding. Although the marital status did not influence on it, it was observed that a greater percentage of nursing mothers were married. Those mothers that did not receive family support gave up breast feeding more frequently, as well as those with a high level of anxiety. These differences were significant between both groups with a p < 0.05 in the first case and a p < 0.01 in the second. The level anxiety as a trait and the sexual life of the mother did not influence on the giving up of breast feeding, either. It was concluded that the lack of family support and the high level of anxiety as a status influenced on the giving up of breast feeding.


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