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Revista Cubana de Educación Superior

On-line version ISSN 0257-4314


GARCIA OJALVO, Irina; GALARZA LOPEZ, Judith  and  SEPULVEDA LIMA, Roberto. The Process of Entering Higher Education. Computer Systems as Tools for Implementation. Rev. Cubana Edu. Superior [online]. 2020, vol.39, n.3  Epub Oct 01, 2020. ISSN 0257-4314.

This paper examined the issue of access to higher education, the transformation of this process based on social demands and the principles of access policies. Admission processes in Latin American universities were analyzed and the different criteria, ways and mechanisms for the selection of students were assessed. Aspects related to Software Engineering methodologies and tools for the development of computer models and computer systems to support the admission process were investigated. Due to the importance of having a software to attend the constant improvement of the admission processes in the universities, special attention is given in this article to the principles of the object oriented design and to the use of patterns in this activity.

Keywords : access to higher education; computer model; design patterns; software; Latin American universities.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )