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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

On-line version ISSN 1561-3127


CUESTA MEJIAS, Leonardo A.  and  PEREZ REYES, Damaisy. The classification of hypertensive patients at "Rafael Echezarreta" Polyclinic. Rev Cub Sal Públ [online]. 2022, vol.48, n.2  Epub June 01, 2022. ISSN 1561-3127.


One of the main health problems that affect Cuban and worldwide population is high blood pressure. In San José de Las Lajas municipality, 14% of its population appears to be hypertensive, but there are multiple deficiencies in its classification.


To determine the situation of the classification of people suffering from arterial hypertension in the Family Doctor´s Offices belonging to "Rafael Echezarreta" polyclinic, San José municipality.


A rapid cross-sectional descriptive research was conducted in January 2020. The individual medical records (HCIs) of a sample of 379 hypertensive patients were reviewed, representing 11% of the 3446 hypertensive patients registered in the polyclinic.


Only about 20% of hypertensive patients were classified. With the exception of the extreme age groups, the female sex predominated in the rest. With increasing age, the proportion of hypertensive patients increased. None of the patients had evidence recorded in their medical records of having been attended in the last four months and almost 68% of the total had not been attended more than a year ago.


The classification has insufficiencies that do not guarantee comprehensive medical care to the population, the minimum frequency of evaluation established for each classification group is not met and the clinical method presents failures in its application. So it can be said that there is a potential number of hypertensive patients still uncontrolled.

Keywords : classification; chronic non-communicable diseases; high blood pressure.

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