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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

On-line version ISSN 1025-0255


QUESADA-MOLINA, Dioneski; BACALLAO-CABRERA, Iris Susana; FERNANDEZ-BALLESTER, Yelenis  and  ECHEVARRIA-SANCHEZ, Yanara. Educational software as a tool for the learning of somatic nervous plexuses in medical students. Arch méd Camagüey [online]. 2024, vol.28  Epub Feb 25, 2024. ISSN 1025-0255.


Morphological characteristics of the somatic nervous plexuses result very important to understand the main injuries of them and to do the physical examination, that’s why this topic is studied in all the specialties of the Health Sciences.


To elaborate an educational software that facilitates the learning process of the characteristic of the somatic nervous plexuses.


A technological innovation to elaborate an educational software related to somatic nervous plexuses for the first year medical students was done. The investigation was performed from September 2021 to February 2021. It was used CrheaSoft program, version 3.1, the software Adobe PhotoShop CS4 to process the imagining and the suite Office 2003 for text writing.


The software was structured in six modules: presentation, contents, games, exercises, anatomical images, complements and credits-help, which shows the organized information by contents and the interactions with the students in all the teaching activities where this product could be used. In the validation by expert and user criteria, all the aspects of the software were evaluated in the category of excellent and good.


The creation of this educational software constitute a way for the students to get access to the scientific, very well organized and updated information about morphological characteristics of the somatic nervous plexuses, that facilitate the assimilation of this topics at the present where important changes has taken place at the medical schools and the study plans of Health Sciences degrees.


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